The Chai Times // Did you get the Torah?

Jun 15, 2024 12:42 am


Incredible Shavuot - the largest 10 Commandment reading we have ever had at YJP! No pictures as it was on the holiday so you can either trust us or come next year to see yourself.

On the day after Shavuot, after receiving the Torah, there is one proof to know if we truly "got" the Torah. If it affects our actions. In the Talmud, the sages argue, about which is more important, Study or Action. And their conclusion is Study - because it leads to and creates Action.

Today, the day after the Giving of the Torah we have the challenge: is the Torah affecting our actions? If it is that means we truly got the Torah.

Wishing you an uplifting Shabbat,

Rabbi Mendy & Mussy

p.s. As always, we would love to chat with you over coffee or drinks, about Judaism, or just life - reply to this email.


Of Interest

It's the spot where it all began. Where we became a nation. Where we were tasked with the G-dliest of missions. But where is Mt. Sinai?

600-year-old manuscript reveals lost French-Jewish intellectual stream


📅  Upcoming Events: 

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Weekly Shabbat Services:

  • Shabbat morning services 10:20 am
  • Torah discussion and reading 11:00 am
  • Followed by Kiddush and Cholent

June 17 - One Dor Happy Hour


Wednesday - Class (Topic too spicy for the Email)

June 20 - Third Thursday Happy Hour at Etica in Downtown 7:30pm

June 25 - Bake Like Bubby



🌱 Chai Society: 

Special thanks to the Chai Society members who donate monthly (starting at $36 a month) to support this beautiful community.

Yankee Andrusierׁ • Ronit Baum Carolina Bueno • Duncan Bryer • Carrie Chess • Marc Cooper Nate Firebaugh • Allan Farkash • Alex & Nellie Freiman • Marc & Andrea Freiman • Paulina Flasch Matt Ford • Gabe Gang • Pavel Gitnik • Sarah Guccione • Max Goldberg • Toba HellersteinAri & Sandra Hoffman • Noah Kagan • Mikey Korn • Rachel Kulter • Moriel Levy & Jon Jov Ben Marchiony Lior Milshtein (New Member!) Michael Nadel • Yoni Oettinger • Dafnee Orduz • Sam Rabinowitz • Ben Rosen • Itamar Shapira MD • Kylie Schwartz • Noah Sinai • Ian Spechler • Cindy & Mark Sichel • Dustin Tropp • Danielle Thompson • Chaim & Amanda Pollak • Ben Ward • Avremi Zippel • David Zakariaie • Idan Zur

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Shabbat, Naso
Light your candles at 8:16 pm
in Austin, TX
Shabbat Shalom, friend!

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