The Chai Times #78 //

Apr 14, 2023 11:51 pm


What a wonderful Passover!

130 at the first Seder, 30 at Seudat Moshiach the Final Seder, many matzah interactions, we got to make minyan for to let Jeff and Jeremy say kaddish on the last day of the holiday - all in all a high energy and powerful Passover!

What a blessing of a community.

Looking forward to seeing you next at the Third Thursday happy hour (4/20) and save the date for May FF (5/5), JKK Comedy (5/4), Lag Baomer (5/9), Torah Celebration (5/21), Shavuot (5/25-27) and some Jewish Wisdom discussions.

(All will be updated on the YJP Public Google Calendar next week)


The Haggadah itself admits: The liberation from Egypt remains incomplete.


Poverty remains. Evil thrives. We are all still slaves.


What went wrong?


It was that G‑d took us out of bondage “with a strong hand and an outstretched arm.”


We were grabbed and lifted out of there. Which means Egypt never really left us.


Every day since, we’ve been running from slavery in Egypt.


Because the only way to attain real freedom is to take some responsibility for your own life, with conviction, purpose, and meaning.


You need to be a partner in your own Exodus.


That’s when the real work starts. 


To take over where the Exodus left off. To participate in our own liberation.


Wishing you an uplifting Shabbat,

Rabbi Mendy & Mussy

p.s. As always, we would love to chat with you over coffee or drinks, about Judaism, or just life - reply to this email.


Of interest:


How Cartoonist Al Jaffee Found His Inner Jewish Superhero


One single good deed can tip the scales for the entire world: Rabbi Levi Greenberg


📅  Upcoming Events: 

Make your life easy! Subscribe to the YJP Public Google Calendar and never miss an event.

Weekly Shabbat Services: (this week at 3500 Hyridge Rd. 78759)

  • Shabbat morning services 10:20 am
  • Torah discussion and reading 11:00 am (sharp)
  • Followed by Kiddush and Cholent

4/20: Third Thursday Happy Hour


Chaired by Alex and Alex this happy hour is designed to be an open door into the community.

No charge, no maximum capacity, no rsvp.

Yes drinks, yes new people, yes fun.

See you there!


🌱 Chai Society: 

Special thanks to the Chai Society Monthly giving members who donate monthly to support YJP events and activities. (New members are highlighted so we can thank them for joining!)

Yankee Andrusierׁ • Ronit Baum Carolina Bueno Marc Cooper Nate Firebaugh • Aviva Frank Paulina Flasch Matt Ford • Pavel Gitnik • Sarah Guccione • Max Goldberg Ari & Sandra Hoffman Ben Marchiony Michael Nadel • Yoni Oettinger Chaim & Amanda Pollak Daniel Speiss • Cindy & Mark Sichel • Noah Kagan • Avremi Zippel

Join the Chai Society here - make a monthly donation and support the programs and events you love.

Together, we’re High Energy!


Shabbat Shemini
Light your candles at 7:40 pm
in Austin, TX
Shabbat Shalom, friend!

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