The Chai Times #63 // Does Chanukah End?

Dec 23, 2022 7:48 pm



Every night of Chanukah we increase in light. One flame becomes two, then three … until all eight flames illuminate the darkness.

But what happens on the 9th night? Or the 10th? How can a holiday that symbolizes the ever-increasing power of light over darkness, seem to fizzle out into nothingness, leaving us forlorn in the cold inky blackness of the longest nights of the winter?

The answer is that on the nights after Chanukah WE are the lights. We burn with the flame of a body possessed of a G-dly soul. We have an inner fire that no wind can put out, no water can douse. Like the ice itself that becomes a vessel of light, after Chanukah we realize that the greatest fire and source of them all burns within us.0

Wishing you an uplifting Shabbat!

Rabbi Mendy & Mussy

p.s. As always, we would love to chat with you over coffee or drinks, about Judaism, or just life - reply to this email.



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Glow Up Chanukah:

A beautiful celebration of Chanukah, community, and light with over 150 YJPs celebrating together.

Massive thanks to Ben Kogut as well as Jerrod and Sara Kogut for presenting the party, Idle Hands for hosting, Mazel Tov Kocktial Hour for the music, Jonathan Berney AKA Judah the Macabee and the numerous volunteers for helping bring together the most beautiful Chanukah party.

Photo albums coming early next week on Instagram and Facebook!

Of interest:


A year without Hanukkah? It’s a mathematical certainty in the year 3031

In a 2011 letter sent to the Times, the perfect short story about a yeshivah student and a menorah can be found: A Stranger at the Door

A Simpsons animator designed the puppets for this weird, wonderful 80s Hanukkah special.

Listen: This Chasidic tune, called the Kremenchuker Berlach - after the cadre of chasidim named Berel from Kremenchug, Ukraine who made it famous - will etch itself into your soul.


📅  Upcoming Events: 

Shabbat Services: 

  • Shabbat morning services 10:30 am
  • Torah discussion and reading 11:00 am
  • Followed by Kiddush and Cholent

12/18-12/25: Chanukah Events!


1/13: Shabbaton in NYC - Registration Closes Jan 5

Come with us to NYC for an incredible weekend with hundreds of young Jews from across the country.

You need to register before signing up. Only $100, reply to this email and we will give you a code.


🌱 Chai Society: 

Special thanks to our Chai Society Monthly giving members.

Individuals who donate monthly to support YJP events and activities.

Yankee Andrusierׁ • Carolina Bueno Marc Cooper Nate Firebaugh Paulina Flasch Matt Ford Sara Guccione Ari & Sandra Hoffman Michael Nadel Chaim & Amanda Pollak Daniel Speiss • Cindy & Mark Sichel • Noah Kagan • Avremi Zippel • Aviva Frank

Join the Chai Society here - make an $18 monthly donation and support the programs and events you love.

Together, we’re High Energy!


Shabbat Mikeitz
Light your candles at 5:18 pm
in Austin, TX

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