The Chai Times // How to be confident

Jun 21, 2024 9:56 pm


This edition of the Chai Times is dedicated in memory of Danielle Thompson's father Ivan Thompson - Yitzchak ben Avraham z"l.

May his memory be a blessing and may G-d comfort his family along with the mourners of Tzion and Jerusalem.


At the end of this week's Torah portion we hear Moses described as "the most humble man on the face of the earth".

True confidence is best found in those who are truly humble.


Moses was the most humble of all men. Yet he had the confidence to stand before the mightiest dictator (Phaorah) on earth and assert his demands. He had the confidence to stand before G‑d and listen without losing his composure. He had the confidence, when necessary, even to argue with G‑d.


Yet he considered himself to be truly nothing.


The confidence of Moses was not confidence in his own self. He had no ego. He was but an agent of Above. Above there is infinite power.


Self-confidence is limited, at best. But if you trust in the One who has sent you to be here and do what you need to do - that confidence knows no bounds.


- The Rebbe, adapted by Rabbi Tzvi Freeman

Wishing you an uplifting Shabbat,

Rabbi Mendy & Mussy

p.s. As always, we would love to chat with you over coffee or drinks, about Judaism, or just life - reply to this email.


Of Interest

How Babies Are Made - why Bethany Mandel has kids

(A little sharp, might rub you the wrong way, but what is a platform worth if we can't stir the pot once in a while with a thoughtful prod. Don't like this? tell me by replying)

The Spy Who Never Came in From the Cold

Tech Tribe friend David Kiferbaum writes about self-actualization and a role for religious/communal professionals in a post-AGI world: Post-AGI, you'll need a Rabbi.


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