The Chai Times #72 // How much are you worth?

Feb 24, 2023 9:24 pm



"How much are you worth?"

Sir Moses Montefiore, the legendary 19th-century British financier and philanthropist, was once asked how much he was worth.


His response, a nice sum but not nearly as large as expected, surprised the questioner. Surely the real estate, stocks and bonds Moses owned were worth far more than the figure he stated.


With a twinkle in his eye, Moses elaborated. "You asked how much I was worth. My true financial worth is the amount I donated to build orphanages, soup kitchens, Jewish schools and communities.


"Only that is guaranteed to have value for me throughout my lifetime and beyond. Everything else is here today and gone tomorrow."


The opening words of this week's Torah portion, Terumah, instructs the Jews to contribute towards the construction of the holy Tabernacle."You shall take for Me a contribution" they were told. 


But shouldn't the verse have said "You shall give to Me a contribution"?


The lesson is clear. When we give we are actually receiving. In fact, what we receive is far greater than that which we gave.

Wishing you an uplifting Shabbat,

Rabbi Mendy & Mussy

p.s. As always, we would love to chat with you over coffee or drinks, about Judaism, or just life - reply to this email.


Of interest:

Can I Use a Fake Name for Work? Is it misleading?

The Invisible Victims of American Anti-Semitism If a hateful act doesn’t fit a preset political narrative, the public rarely notices it.


📅  Upcoming Events: 

Weekly Shabbat Services: 

  • Shabbat morning services 10:30 am
  • Torah discussion and reading 11:00 am
  • Followed by Kiddush and Cholent

LAST WEEK: 1/24 - 2/7 2/21 2/28: The Dating Course


Something isn't working, dating is hard and it's not leading to the results you want. Come learn Judaim's secrets to dating and how to get what you want out it.

3/3 : First Friday's Shabbat Dinner

We will sell out at 100 people - rsvp now to guarantee

PSA: we are implementing a new thing - ticket prices rise on Thursday night at midnight from $20 to $36.


3/6 : Cirque de Purim


Come in your best circus costume!

There will be a megillah reading followed by music, drinks, and wonderful high energy.


This party is for everyone...

...even if you skipped Yom Kippur 

...even if you don't have a Jewish last name 

...even if you hate matzah balls

...even if you hate gefilte fish

Only Jew-ish? You are in the right place


Click Here for Purim!


Community Events:

#OpenShabbat at SXSW - March 10

- 🍷 SXSW is rapidly approaching: Last year they SOLD OUT at 400 seats. Don’t wait for the last minute this year. RSVP Here


🌱 Chai Society: 

Special thanks to our Chai Society Monthly giving members.

Individuals who donate monthly to support YJP events and activities.

Yankee Andrusierׁ • Carolina Bueno Marc Cooper Nate Firebaugh • Aviva Frank Paulina Flasch Matt Ford • Pavel Gitnik • Sarah Guccione Ari & Sandra Hoffman Michael Nadel • Yoni Oettinger Chaim & Amanda Pollak Daniel Speiss • Cindy & Mark Sichel • Noah Kagan • Avremi Zippel

Join the Chai Society here - make a monthly donation and support the programs and events you love.

Together, we’re High Energy!


Shabbat Terumah
Light your candles at 6:08 pm
in Austin, TX

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