The Chai Times #22
Jan 21, 2022 7:07 pm
As this past Shabbos came out we heard the horrifying news that four Jews were being held hostage at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas. We prayed, gave tzedaka, and committed to do increased good deeds in the merit of their wellbeing and safe release.
Jews we have never met were being in targeted in Colleyville, but it felt as if it were our own brothers being held at gunpoint. Because it was our own brothers being held at gunpoint.
This week's Torah portion, Yisro, describes how the Jews camped at the foot of Mt Sinai in preparation of receiving the Torah. But the Torah says “and he camped” instead of the expected “and they camped”. It was millions of Jews, why the singular form?
The Midrash explains that when the Jews arrived to receive the Torah they were “like one man with one heart”.
Yes, they was millions of unique individuals but they were completely united as one. And it was in the merit of their unity that they received the ultimate gift, the Torah.
When we hear that a Jew is being attacked on the other side of the country or world - a Jew who perhaps may not look, think, or act like us - we don't consider that a news story but a personal attack.
We watched with collective relief and joy as the hostages escaped to safety, thank G-d. Let's keep that unity alive not only in times of distress and attack but in times of joy and celebration.
Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom, have an uplifting week! Looking forward to celebrating together!
Rabbi Mendy & Mussy
p.s. As always, we would love to chat with you over coffee or drinks, about Judaism, or just life - simply reply to this email.
A Kabbalistic take on the new word game that has gone completely viral
✨ Highlight:
Regards from the Shabbaton! The Rabbi and Matt spent this past weekend at the CYP Shabbaton in New York.
We had an incredible and uplifting time together exploring the heart of Crown Heights and the synagogue of the Rebbe. We also visited the Rebbe's Ohel (resting place) and prayed for the community.
🙌 Upcoming at YJP:
Shabbat: Shabbat morning services 10:30 am
Torah reading and discussion 11:00 am
Followed by Kiddush and Cholent
Sunday: Weekly Sunday morning minyan followed by a HEAVY BREAKFAST 9:30 am
🗣️ Jewish word of the week: Schmooze (v)
Schmooze (v)
To schmooze is to “chat” or “converse.” This is an English mangling of the Yiddish word “shmues” (שמועס), which is apparently an adaptation of the Hebrew word “shemuos” (שמועות), “tidings.”
Events by Friends of YJP:
Tickets here:
Moishe House Jewish Wisdom Discussion
w/ Rabbi Mendy
weds Jan 26 7:30
in the new Moishe House location - details to follow
Openshabbat at SXSW
Join us for the return of #openShabbat at SXSW on March 11!
Shabbat Yitro
Light your candles at 5:40 pm
in Austin, TX
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