The Chai Times // First Shabbat

Oct 01, 2021 10:56 pm


It is hard to recap the High Holiday season. From Rosh Hashana New Year's Dinner a mere 3 weeks ago, through services, Shofar in the Park, Yom Kippur at the Stephen F Austin, Sukkot dinner celebrations, YJP & YAD Sukkah Happy Hour, Mensch Club, and Simchat Torah, it has been a whirlwind.

Now we narrow our eyes and stare into the wind of regular life as it comes streaming towards us.

What now? High Energy Judaism of course!

In particular:

  • Join a weekly YJP Jewish Wisdom class (starting in two weeks, details to follow)
  • Come to, or host, a Shabbat dinner. If you want to join us for a smaller Shabbat dinner - reply to this email. First Fridays is coming back shortly.
  • Study Torah with the Rabbi or Rebbetzin

And a huge thank you to all who have donated and sponsored this past month to help us get a great kick-start to this year!

It's the best (and first!) Shabbat and Holiday of the year!

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Mendy & Mussy

Do you want one of these HIGH ENERGY tees?


You are in luck! They are available for the low, low price of $30. Venmo $30 to @yjpaustin and put the size in the note. S-2XL available.

For the Ladies: you can already get your tickets to the Mega Challah Bake


p.s. as always...

If you would like to meet up for coffee, drinks, or lunch to talk or study, simply reply to this email. Mussy and Rabbi Mendy love to connect.

Shabbat Bereishis
Light your candles at 6:58 pm in Austin

Like what you saw? Want more? Please feel free to forward this email far and wide! 

Support Chabad YJP's mission to build community and curate epic experiences for young Jews in Austin!
