Halfway to the goal, YOU can make the difference

Dec 15, 2022 8:58 pm


Dear , 

We are so grateful to all of the generous donors that have contributed so far.

We need your help to continue to be there for the young Jews of Austin.

Every dollar given by TONIGHT 10:30 pm will be tripled by generous matchers.

Your donations directly creates:

  • Shabbat dinners,
  • classes and discussions
  • holiday experiences
  • direct financial assistance
  • social events,
  • rabbi and rebbetzin coffees and conversation.

Click here to make your impact: 

www.yjpaustin.org/match or


Leave your fingerprint on the world.

Your gift will be matched 3x by our generous matches!

$18 becomes 54

$30 becomes 60

$100 becomes $300


Please help us by sharing this campaign with your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, social networks, and contacts. Together, we will turn everything we touch into high-energy Judaism.


Thank you so much for your support! 

Again that donation link is: www.yjpaustin.org/match

Thank you again for your help and impact on young Jewish life in Austin!

Rabbi Mendy and Mussy Levertov

Donate here!



