The Chai Times // Going Out Again
Apr 12, 2024 6:23 pm
Every year as we approach Passover I marvel again at the beauty of a 3,000 year old tradition coming to life in a new way with new meaning.
And every year there is something, some new challenge, throwing a wrench into our preparations. This year I hear questions about how we can balance a war in Israel with the celebration of freedom, a freedom tenuous and precariously held.
Is this the freedom we yearned for all these years? It seems obvious that with the place of Israel and the Jews more off balance each day that this is not the hoped and prayed-for freedom that comes after the arrival of Moshiach.
This my friends is the secret of Passover. We are still going out of Eygpt.
Sure we left the Land of Eygpt three thousand years ago, but we must also leave the mental and emotional limitations of Eygpt. What does this look like? When we are no longer enslaved to our (phones, food, looks, likes, money) but free to live spiritual lives in our physical bodies and routines.
We are still going out of Eygpt.
Our Passover Seder is telling a current story, we went out of Eygpt 3,000 years ago, we went out last year, and we are going out this year. And we will keep going out until we achieve the final redemption, with the coming of Moshiach and world peace - may it be before Passover
Wishing you an uplifting Shabbat,
Rabbi Mendy & Mussy
p.s. As always, we would love to chat with you over coffee or drinks, about Judaism, or just life - reply to this email.
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Weekly Shabbat Services:
- Shabbat morning services 10:20 am
- Torah discussion and reading 11:00 am (sharp)
- Followed by Kiddush and Cholent
4/16 - New Moon Circle: Miriam's Tambourine
April 17 - Evening of Inspiration with Rabbi Raleigh Resnik
Join us for an evening celebrating the Rebbe's leadership and the completion of Rambam! Featuring guest speaker Rabbi Raleigh Resnik, Chabad of the Tri-Valley and famed Rambam teacher.
Free RSVP at
April 18 - Third Thursdays at Lovebirds in East Austin
2337 E Cesar Chavez St, Austin, TX 78702
April 22 - Passover Seder
🌱 Chai Society:
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Shabbat Tazria
Light your candles at 7:39 pm
in Austin, TX
Shabbat Shalom, friend!
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