The Chai Times #59 //
Nov 25, 2022 7:25 pm
The concept of Divine Providence is this: Not only are all particular movements of every facet of all Creation directed by Providence, and not only is that Providence itself the life-force and maintained existence of all Creation - but even more, the particular movement of any creature is in general terms related to the grand design of Creation... The aggregate of all individual acts brings to completion G‑d's grand design in the mystery of all Creation.
Ponder this: If the swaying of a blade of grass is brought about by Divine Providence and is crucial to the fulfillment of the purpose of Creation, how much more so with regard to mankind in general, and you in particular!
Wishing you an uplifting Shabbat!
Rabbi Mendy & Mussy
p.s. As always, we would love to chat with you over coffee or drinks, about Judaism, or just life - reply to this email.
Join the epic Shabbaton on 1.13.23 for an entire weekend of inspiration and fun and save $100 off the early bird price!
Use code: YJPAUSTIN100
Of interest:
- Why an 88-Year-Old Frenchman Cried as Everyone Danced at Chabad Conference.
- Is Kanye West Jewish? On Twitter they investigated.
You can have a part of history.
We are renewing a 100 yeard old Torah and bringing it to YJP. A Torah of our own!
You can dedicate a portion of this Torah.
5 books of the Torah
Bereishit (Genesis) - reserved.
Shmot (Exodus) - available
Vayikra (Leviticus) - available
Bamidbar (Numbers) - available
Devarim (Deuteronomy) - available
Upcoming Events:
Shabbat Services at the New Location!:
- Shabbat morning services 10:30 am
- Torah discussion and reading 11:00 am
- Followed by Kiddush and Cholent
11/29: Stop Chasing Happiness
The "Stop Chasing Happiness" four-part course (Nov 29, Dec. 6, 13 and 20) takes you on an intellectually exciting journey into your own mind and psyche.
Drawing on classical Jewish and mystical teachings, this course will present you with a deeper understanding of yourself, and help you flourish by suggesting practical advice that, when implemented, will radically enhance the happiness quotient of your life.
Sign up:
11/30: One Dor Over - Night Bites
The new YJP group focused on fostering connections specifically for the 35-45 age range. Chaired by the wonderful Chayla Furlong and Ian Spechler
The first get-together will be November 30, 5:30-7:30pm
Enter your email here if you want to be on the special email list with reminders for One Dor Over events. Also, you will be able to give input and ideas for upcoming events.
You can RSVP by replying to this email or by clicking here
12/2: First Friday's December
12/18-12/25: Chanukah Events! Event details coming out next week!!!
1/13: Shabbaton in NYC with the Rabbi, Rebbetzin & 500 YJPs
Come with us to NYC for an incredible weekend with hundreds of young Jews from across the country.
You need to register before signing up.
There is a group discount! If we hit 10 rsvp we get a per-ticket price of $200, 15 and it's only $175.
We are working on a local Austin grant to cover part of the ticket fee - you will be able to get reimbursed if we can arrange it.
🌱 Chai Society:
Special thanks to our Chai Society Monthly giving members.
Individuals who donate monthly to support YJP events and activities.
Yankee Andrusierׁ • Carolina Bueno • Marc Cooper • Nate Firebaugh • Paulina Flasch • Matt Ford • Sara Guccione • Ari & Sandra Hoffman • Michael Nadel • Chaim & Amanda Pollak • Daniel Speiss • Cindy & Mark Sichel
Join the Chai Society here - make an $18 monthly donation and support the programs and events you love.
Together, we’re High Energy!
Shabbat Toldot
Light your candles at 5:13 pm
in Austin, TX
Follow us on social media: Twitter | Facebook| Instagram
Support Chabad YJP's mission to build community and curate epic experiences for young Jews in Austin! Want to join a committee? Reply to this email.