The Mega Challah Bake is BACK!!

Aug 25, 2023 8:01 pm


Hi ,

I'm super excited for the Mega Challah Bake this year! Tickets are now live at!

Click Here!

Here are some things you can look forward to when you sign up for the Mega Challah Bake:

  • Seeing many friends (last year there were 130!)
  • Free raffles for great prizes
  • Good energy




How long is the program?

Doors open: 6:00

Program: 6:30-7:30ish

What are we going to do?


Make new friends

Get in the mood for the new year

Knead and braid a challah

(you will take it home to bake)

Who is invited?

All Jewish women and girls, pre-Bat Mitzvah (age 11) and up.

Where is the program being held?

OUTDOORS at the Chabad Plaza 3500 Hyridge Dr.

Is there a charge?

Yes. $25 online before September 8. After that, it's $28 online or at the door.



Table Sponsor: $500 - includes 10 tickets and table signage, mention on the program (a few friends can chip in to sponsor a table together!)

Event Sponsor: $1000 - includes 10 tickets, prominent event signage, mention on the program and on the website.


Can I be more involved?


Bring people - tell your friends.

Volunteer opportunities:

light shopping before the bake,

day of event setup,

checking people in at door

and npost-event cleanup. 

Email or text if you'd like to volunteer: 512-799-9319


Excited! How about you? Please tell me what has been your highlight of the Mega Challah Bake!

