The Chai Times // Politics Got Inspiring
Jul 26, 2024 5:27 pm
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Politics got Inspiring
Oh, I hear the alarm bells ringing in your ears right now. This is dangerous territory for a rabbi. This will lead to half the community taking offense and the end of our beautiful cohesion.
Don’t worry my friends, don’t think I’m that dense. And if by the time you are finished reading, you still disagree with what I've said, please reply to this email. I would love to hear feedback.
The last two weeks have been wild for America. They have also shown us a glimpse at the true nature of leadership. A glimpse that is both intoxicating and inspiring. And one that we hope will last longer than just the current moment.
What is leadership? Leadership is the humility and knowledge that bearing this mantel is to carry a load bigger than oneself, not of themselves, and on behalf of the people not for themselves. Treu leaders serve the cause of the nation, caring for the people, not for personal motivations and benefit. Shouldering this load is the transformation from a regular person into a leader. Taking a title is not what does it.
In Judaism, the greatest leaders needed to be persuaded, or even forced, into their roles. Moses! Yes, our first leader was forced by G-d into accepting the job at the Burning Bush. Later leaders were not much easier to convince.
In modern times the most influential rabbi of the 21st century, the Rebbe, refused the title for a full year until community pressure grew to a point that was impossible for him to ignore. Imagine if these leaders never took the job.
They were hesitant because as great sages they understood that leadership is not an expression of ego or an extension of self. Rather it is a mission to raise the community to a higher vision, a heavy path, and one where the community takes precedence over the ego and the self. Bigger than themselves, not of themselves, and carried not for themselves.
In this week's Torah portion we find Moses transferring leadership to Joshua. He asks G-d to appoint someone to "go forth before them and come before them, who will lead them out and bring them in, so that the congregation of the Lord will not be like sheep without a shepherd".
A shepherd of sheep - this is the imagery of leadership. Someone who cares deeply about the people more than anything else.
These last two weeks we saw two instances of that shouldering of the burden happen in front of our eyes. One in the defiance of a man one inch from death not running and hiding but standing tall and exhorting courage. And one in the most powerful person in the world, voluntarily stepping away from that power, relinquishing a lifelong legacy, to help the cause of the nation.
These moments inspire us. They inspire us in their raw power, they inspire us in the emotion they call forth. We see the meaning of service, of patriotism, of doing for the cause. Not for themselves, bigger than themselves.
Truly, as a nation, we are caught up in this moment. Finally, for as short as this moment lasts our leaders are carrying the burden of the people, for the people.
May we be inspired to do the same, let us shoulder our responsibility to our people, to love them, do for them, care for them. Let us reach for a higher cause do more mitzvahs, study more Torah, not for ourselves but for the Jewish people making this world holier and more aware of G-d every day.
Wishing you an uplifting Shabbat,
Rabbi Mendy & Mussy
p.s. As always, we would love to chat with you over coffee or drinks, about Judaism, or just life - reply to this email.
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