Wise Owl Wednesdays - Issue #15

May 06, 2020 4:51 pm

Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation.

It's May 6th, you survived April, and now you are halfway through another week.

It's time for your weekly dose of Wise Owl Wednesdays!

As always, this is your weekly wall-of-text designed to make you wiser, healthier and wealthier.

You can find all past issues (including this one) here.

This weeks issue will cover the following:

  • The quote of the week
  • Introducing the Wise Owl Store (New)
  • New Referral Program, Share the Wisdom! (New)
  • Introduce the Book of the Month for May - Why We Sleep
  • Weekly tips in wisdom, health, and wealth


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Quote of the week:


We live in a world of change.

In some areas it is a world of rapid change.

At the beginning of March, no one expected the economy to break from a global pandemic.

By the end of March everyone had already felt it's effects.

Now I am starting a garden in my backyard because I don't like the idea my food not being available at a grocery store. Will I need this garden? Probably not, but it is a project worth pursuing, if only for the knowledge it will give me.

To thrive in this world of change you must constantly acquire new knowledge and keep an open mind.

You are already a step ahead by reading a newsletter like this.

Now I want to tell you a short story about a conversation I had 8 years ago.

In 2012, while living in Japan, a friend of mine told me I should use my gaming computer to "mine" something called Bitcoin.

He told me that I could earn a few Bitcoins each week at minimum by running a computer program.

I told him I'd think about it.

I promptly forgot about Bitcoin for the next three years.

Bitcoin was about $10 per coin at the time.

It's $8,900 now.

If I had mined like he recommended, who knows where I'd be.

He used his Bitcoin to buy weed, I think.

Neither one of us was able to change fast enough.

The Newsletter has Merch Now

This is a temporary section this-week-only announcing that the Wise Owl Wednesday newsletter now has a merchandise store!

A few of you came to me with the thought that the cute owl mascot I put on all of my content would go well on a t shirt or sweater. You're right!


Currently there are three different designs, and I plan on adding more once I determine what merchandise people want.

If you're interested in a discount, check out the new referral program in the next section.

Browse the Store

Share the Wisdom - New Referral Program

I write this newsletter to help people learn how to improve their mind, body and bank account.

The more people that read it, the more people that can learn to help themselves.

Do you know someone that could benefit from reading this newsletter?

Help me add value to more email inboxes!

You can now refer your friends to Wise Owl Wednesday and earn rewards:

Just share your personal referral link, and anyone that subscribes through it is credited to you!

Your personal referral link -

You have referred  wise owls so far.

You can earn rewards if you:

Refer 5 people - a 10% off coupon to the Wise Owl Store that does not expire

Refer 10 people - Access to the secret VIP once-a-month newsletter issue I am currently working on

Refer 15 people - Get a free Wise Owl Coffee Mug with your name on it, and a 25% off-coupon to the Wise Owl Store...that does not expire

Refer 20 people - 50% off coupon to Crypto Capable - Beginner Course

Book Of The Month for May: Why We Sleep


In April we focused on wealth, on spending consciously and investing automatically.

Read the full Book Report for April's book of the month.

This month we will focus on health, and the number one determinant for health is...sleep!

Why We Sleep is a powerfully researched book on everything that has to do with sleep. I have outlined the book below, as well as broke out which chapters we will be reviewing each week.

Sleep is the foundation of your health, and we strongly recommend reading along, and taking action to improve the quality of your sleep.

Links to get this book:

** The links above are affiliate links. If you purchase the books with the links above, I receive a super tiny commission, which helps support this newsletter. Thank you! **

Part 1: This Thing Called Sleep - May 6

  • Chapter 1: To sleep
  • Chapter 2: Caffeine, Jet Lag, and Melatonin
  • Chapter 3: Defining and Generating Sleep
  • Chapter 4: Ape beds, Dinosaurs, and Napping with Half a Brain
  • Chapter 5: Changes in Sleep Across the Life Span

Read Part I - Chapters 1-5

Tips or Tools of the week: Wisdom, Health or Wealth

Each week I share either three tips or three tools that will help you become wiser, healthier, and wealthier.

Wisdom tip of the week:

It's never the first mistake that does the damage

Everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes are the fastest way to learn. The problem really grows when you don't learn from the mistakes.

It's never the first mistake that does the damage. It's the repeating of the same mistakes over and over again that leads to a downward spiral.

Don't be down on yourself if you make a mistake.

Learn from it and move on.

Acquire knowledge and improve.

Health tip of the week:

Take a nap.

Adults need nap time just as much as children do.

In fact, you can refresh yourself completely with a 30 minute nap.

Don't have 30 minutes?

Take a 10-min nap with your legs raised above your heart. I learned this from listening to Jocko Willink.

It's a Navy Seal trick they use to grab sleep wherever they can when they are out in the world doing Navy Seal shit.

Wealth tip of the week:

The easiest way to build wealth is to spend less than you earn.

The hardest way to build wealth is to scale your income by starting a business.

What's the secret to succeeding?

Providing consistent value to the people that need it over a long period of time.


If providing consistent value over a long period of time sounds too difficult, well, you can always spend as little as possible.

*** If you’re interested in my upcoming Crypto course for beginners you can pre-order it now. ***

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Share The Love, and Help Me Help You!

What did you think about the newsletter?

If you know anyone that could benefit from reading this, please forward it to them.

Also, if you have ideas or thoughts in the following areas, please let me know!

  • Books I should review
  • Topics you would love to read about
  • YouTube videos you'd love to watch

Let me know by replying to this email!

I read all of my emails.

You can also read past issues here!
