Dreaming about September.. already!

May 20, 2024 6:53 pm

There is something about going through a portal of rapid transformation that just lights my soul on fireeee! Have you experienced that before?

We see it ALL THE TIME at our retreats. We will have someone walk in as one version of themselves, and walk out completely different.

I am talking years of chronic pain ... gone.

Patterns and cycles that just don't apply any longer.

Their body changes the way in which it responds to previous stressors.

Their nervous system is more regulated and their standards change.

Its one of those things where they think it had to be harder than it was.

Three days of diving deep into the crevices of your soul, the hurt, pain, trauma, and experiences that continue to create your life..

Finding freedom and some relief from the constant weight it holds..

Then rewriting that narrative and creating new future that aligns with YOU.

The unfolding that occurs is OUT OF THIS WORLD, delicious!

Its like all the pieces finally come together to create real change.. not just temporary..

and its why we created the September Somatic Experience!!!

We want to spend 2 days with 70 of you magical human beings, healing the hurt, purging the BS, softening into the safety of our bodies, and expanding into who we reaaaallly are... not what you bought as you!!

These group experiences have energy like no other!!! All of us focusing our potent energy on creating something new has MASSIVE RIPPLES.

And not just for us that are there.. but our families.. our communities... our country.. the world.. the universe.. It ripples out exponentially!!

So I would LOVE to invite you to join us. It would be an absolute honor to hold space with you and for you. So that you can truly experience freedom!

All genders.

All races.

All ages.

Together we create something beautiful for the future generations!

I have this priced super low for presale! This goes up June 1st!

You can check the event out and register here!


