Instagram LogoRemember the thing about incinerators? Catch the full gist on the blog: HUMAN INCINERATOR: ANGER AND REACTIONS TO OFFENCE. Everybody feels. It is not very practical to live in the midst of other humans without taking offence at one thing or other. Though some might be able to mask it more than others, the fact remains that, everybody feels. But with that established, the question is, how do you react to offence? THE PRE-INCINERATOR MAN: OPEN EXPRESSION OF ANGER. The pre-incinerator man is the one who openly expresses anger. Before incinerators, refuse was burnt in the open air. When the pre-incinerator man gets trash dumped on him(is offended), he burns it outside and releases all the heat immediately. The heat is external, and hurts him less. That’s a merit. On the down side, the pre-incinerator man, being the one who openly expresses anger, doesn’t mind who is affected by his expression of anger. Talk about the furniture that gets broken, the neighbor whose sleep is interrupted, the dog that spends the night hungry, the kid or parent that gets a glare, the lover that gets a cold shoulder… His reactions to offence are explosive. As it turns out though, people who openly express feelings actually tend to be healthier. THE INCINERATOR MAN: INTERNALIZING ANGER AND OTHER FEELINGS. The incinerator man internalizes all... Catch the full gist on the blog: #wdyot #philsophy #psychology #anger #angermanagement #offence #hurt #pain #annoy #mad #blogger #wordpressblogger #psychologyblogger