Amy's Rebellion Upcoming Promo and Pick my Nanowrimo Project

Oct 08, 2022 9:06 pm


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Hi everyone,

Happy Saturday. I just realized it's Preptober about 8 days late. Woo, the year went fast. I'm looking forward to Nanowrimo, but I'm not sure what I want to write yet. I have so many different projects to choose from, but we'll get more into that in a moment. As far as life goes, I had a pet sit cancellation and then 2 last-minute pet sits. One of them I just got to a few hours ago and the other I left today in the afternoon. It involved a super sweet Italian greyhound and 1 sweet 1 spicy french bulldog. The younger french puppy bulldog preferred my pants leg and slippers over his toys. Guess it's time for some new slippers. Oh well.

Promotion-wise, I have an Amy's Rebellion sale plans for right around Halloween, so keep an eye out for a spooky season promotion!

Okay, now let's talk about Nanowrimo. This year, I decided to let you all choose what I should write. You can either tell me what you'd like to see from me using this survey or send me a quick email telling me what you'd like for me to work on this year. On the writing front, I've not heard back from my editor, so I've decided to take this opportunity to give the story one last round of self-edits before opening it up to all of you for beta reading. If you're interested in that, keep an eye out for an email from me sometime next weekend. And because it's a new week, there's a new episode of "Poisoned by Love's Bite" up on Radish if you want to go check it out on your phone. Happy reading!

I have a question for you.

Whether you're indigenous or an indigenous ally, how do you plan to spend indigenous people's day?

For this coming Monday, I'd like to find a new audiobook that's indigenous own voices, so if that's you, feel free to send me a message. You can also reach out if you're indigenous and run a business that you think has items I'd like (especially bookish things).

That's all for now.

Have a great day and stay safe!


Julia (they/he)

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