Opportunity to Win Bookish Merch and Vote for Pride Merch Ideas

May 27, 2023 9:06 pm


Hi everyone,

This week has been packed with Coursera, editing, and pet sits. I've been hanging out with bulldogs, and a puppy, and I've done a drop-in for one of the sweetest cats I've ever met. This cat is an absolute love bug. I'm looking forward to what future weeks hold since I've been getting a lot of pet sit requests and I'm going out to Massachusetts (for business/medical) but still excited regardless.


On the publishing front, it's almost pride and since I'm planning on releasing another book for my Gemstone Massacre series this year, I think some pride merch is in order to celebrate putting Dusk's story up for pre-order. I've got some ideas you can vote on as well as the option to share your own ideas. And if you suggest a winning idea, I will make you that item and ship it to you (this includes those outside the U.S.) So good luck and happy almost Pride.

Vote for Pride merch

Have you ever been to a Pride event?

Despite being a long-standing member of the LGBTQIA+ community I've never been able to go to one. I was always either working or pet-sitting. Hm. Maybe this year will be the year.

That's all for now.

Have a great day and stay safe!


Julia (they/he)

Featured Indie Reads

A merchant who abandoned his birthright, a princess with a dark secret, and an encounter destined to change their lives forever… This indie read is a great free read, especially if you like secrets, war, and magic kingdoms wrapped into 1.


This one of an awesome apocalyptic lit rpg


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