Poisoned By Love's Bite New Chapter and Amy's Betrayal Snippet!

Sep 16, 2023 9:06 pm


Hi everyone,

It's packing time. The move is coming up really soon, but does that mean I've stopped my writing adjacent and non-writing activities? No. Although I will probably need a vacation soon. Just this week my pet-sitting website launched, and the finishing touches went on my author assistant website. It's been a pretty cool experience building up my businesses, but what I've enjoyed most this week is focusing back on writing and editing.

On the publishing front, I've put together a new chapter of Poisoned by Love's Bite. It should be up and ready to read for you sometime today or tomorrow. And I've got a new snippet for Amy's Betrayal. Enjoy!

What type of Halloween reads do you prefer, cozy/cute or spooky/scary?

I think for me it depends on my mood, but I usually lean towards spooky scary.

Have a great day and stay safe!


Julia (they/he)

Featured Indie Reads

this free read is great if you're looking for a gritty fantasy with a bit of humor that's great for spooky season. When an attempt is made on the life of Ashara, Keeper of Yurr, his young, hapless advisor Edvar must uncover and stop those behind it.


This KU read is great if you're looking for an action-packed and magical series. This suspense-filled prequel is great if you love slow-burn, fade-to-black romance, zany sidekicks, and a lot of magic.


Fantasy Fairs

