Switching to 2 Emails a Month+ Publishing Updates!

May 25, 2024 11:24 pm


Hi everyone,

I hope you're having a great weekend. As you've probably noticed, I've been off my game when it comes to keeping up with newsletters and still finding time for my new pet-sitting business, Amy's Betrayal edits, and dealing with 2 not so great editor experiences. So I'm finally taking my advice and giving myself some grace by easing back on email frequency. That means your next email will be June 8th instead of June 1st.

I'll keep sharing snippets, deleted scenes, and fun facts about the magic worlds and characters I create. My goal is to offer you better quality content overall.

As for Amy's Betrayal progress, I am at page 105/165 for edits. I'm hoping to get this book done for you all on time, but given what happened with these two editors ignoring my accommodations, I may need to push the release back by 15-30 days to make sure everything is up to my quality standards.

If that does happen and you pre-ordered, send me a screenshot or other proof of purchase and I'll send you a free e-copy, audio copy, (where applicable), or deleted scene from a book of your choice as a thank you for waiting patiently.

Before I go, I have a question for you.

What's a way you were kind to yourself this week?

By taking some time to finally advocate for myself and cut back on the million activities that my little ADHD brain wants but my body cannot do because I am NOT 20 anymore lol.

That's all for now.

Have a great weekend and stay safe!


Julia (they/he)
