Sendfox holding my emails hostage, Halloween Event, Snow's Captive!

Oct 01, 2023 12:28 am


Hi everyone,

For the first time since the pandemic started, I'm at an in-person write-in. I found a fun masked write-in over near me in Boston. It's been a great way to get out of the apartment and do something fun. I'm using this write-in as a way to get some more content ready for you.

It's time for the Halloween event! The Rafflecopter officially starts tomorrow and will end at the end of the month, so make sure to save this link! This event is open to US AND international and there are digital equivalents for any of the bigger physical prizes. Here's what I've picked for prizes based on your feedback:

1 custom jewelry piece (earrings or keychain)

1 $5 Amazon Giftcard

1 Blind date with a book box (digital book box for international winner)

1 custom bookmark

1 custom bookish sticker

On the publishing front, I've edited and hit publish on a new chapter of Snow's Captive. It should be up and ready to read for you sometime today or tomorrow.

That's all for now.

What's your favorite Halloween candy?

I really like Butterfingers, and maybe it's controversial, but I like candy corn!

Have a great day and stay safe!


Julia (they/he)

Featured Indie Reads

this series is on KU and is great for fans of vampires, urban fantasy, and fated mates. Enjoy!

