Wrapping up Rafflecopter Plus Poisoned By Loves Bite Update!

Sep 10, 2022 9:06 pm


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Hi everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. This week was honestly a bit boring life wise. It was more my friends who had eventful weeks, but in the bad way. I DID work on my Coursera class and attempt and fail at getting editing done so guess which ADHD problem child will be pulling all nighters to hit editing deadlines? Yup, it's me are we surprised (no probably not).

The rafflecopter giveaway is officially over. Congratulations to Temia and Margaret.

Remember if you had a physical prize to respond to my email and let me know where I'm sending it to.

On the writing front, I've been focusing on editing for Amy's childhood story. While I did get some done on the weekend, the weekdays were a bit of a lost cause. I DID finally update Radish last weekend so for my international people who want to read "Poisoned by Love's Bite" all the currently existing episodes are officially scheduled out on Radish. They publish every Wednesday. You can use the link provided to read the story on your phone. Enjoy!

I have a question for you.

What's a show you really like that's fantasy or dystopian or both (bonus if it's LGBTQ)?

I really liked shows like Owl House and Shera, but All of Us Are Dead, First Kill, and Utopia Falls were also pretty good. I personally love zombies, vampires, and magic/magic school shows.

That's all for now.

Have a great day and stay safe!


Julia (they/he)

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