Semi-Vacation, Dog Walks, and New Roommates?

Jun 17, 2023 9:06 pm


Hi everyone,

I hope you've had an excellent week. I'm on a semi-vacation from house sitting because I'm visiting my boyfriend who gave me an adorable evee plushie (since he knows that's one of my favorite pokemon). I tried to take the whole vacation off from pet things, but I couldn't resist and ended up doing some dog walks including one for a teeny tiny pup and a very hyper puppy golden. Oh, and we went to see some of the museums in Salem while we're in the Boston/Salem area. And I went to meet some potential covid cautious roommates which was pretty cool. I wasn't sure that was something I'd be able to find.

On the publishing front, I'm chipping away at Amy's Betrayal edits and I made a new pride pin for any other aces here and/or Ren fans. The design is up on Redbubble. Hoping to have some more snippets and other goodies for you soon, but in the meantime, I have a question for you.

How do you feel about cliffhangers at the end of books or series? Do you love them, or do they frustrate you?

Generally, I'm not a huge cliffhanger person unless there's a good reason for it. Like sometimes they're fun to play with for horror and thriller stories, but I don't typically like them in my fantasy or romance stories.

That's all for now.

Have a great day and stay safe!


Julia (they/he)

Fantasy Fairs



