FrostFire- Dark Fantasy Review Copy Opportunity!

Sep 25, 2022 7:06 pm


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Hi everyone,

Happy Sunday. This week I have a review copy available for you this week. It's a grimdark fantasy with mages and demons. If you'd like to check it out, you can click the book cover or use the link below to request a review copy. Here's the blurb for you:

A demon hunter and a mage, each harboring secrets from one another, evade a dangerous demon that haunts them both.

For centuries, the people of Tennebrum have been plagued by demons that crawl from the shadows of their very homes. Yet to Kyran, these demons and the hunters that fight them are naught but Isleish fireside tales, until one night in Tennebrum, Kyran wakes to the sounds of screams and flames. Born as a mage with rare magical talent granted by his curse-wrought blood, Kyran rushes into the inferno to find the demons are more than simple stories.

Kyran does not stand alone—Barrett, a fire-wielding demon hunter haunted by guilt and regret, rides out of the black of night, sweeping Kyran into the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join the tumultuous and deadly life of a Guild-sanctioned hunter. But it doesn’t take long for Barrett to sense Kyran isn’t telling him everything about his stay in Tennebrum, and Kyran must decide whether to stay shackled by his secrets or chase the chance of becoming a Hunter. As Kyran struggles to choose, a powerful demon from Barrett’s past returns to stalk the mage, threatening to devour Kyran as it had his former partner. Barrett fights desperately to keep Kyran safe against the fate that he swore to never allow anyone to suffer again even as the noose of Kyran’s secrets tighten around his neck.


That's all for now.

Have a great day and stay safe!


Julia (they/he)
