Valiant Women of the Bible 📢 Day 20: Anna

Mar 21, 2023 3:58 am



We first meet Anna at the same place we could have met her any other day in the previous 60+ years of her life: the Temple in Jerusalem.

Anna marries young, but her husband dies only seven years later making her a widow with no children to care for (or to care for her). After her husband's death, she spends every day at the Temple in prayer and contemplation, fasting regularly, and worshipping the Lord.

But more than anything else, Anna looks forward to the day when her people will be freed from the oppression of the Roman Empire. She is waiting for the Messiah.

A little over a month after her son is born (40 days), Mary and Joseph travel to the Temple in Jerusalem to fulfill a couple requirements according to the Law of Moses.


First, Mary is required to purify herself now that 40 days post-partum have passed (Exodus 13:12-15).

SIDENOTE: While I was writing this, I remembered visiting what some believe to be the mikveh (like a wash basin) where Mary might have washed during this visit to the Temple. It's located on what's left of the Second Temple at the Southern Wall of the Old City—near the City of David—in Jerusalem. So, for old times' sake, here are my photos (this was before digital anything).


The Mikveh (on the steps)


Yours truly sitting next to the Mikveh (on the steps)


Once Mary is ritually “clean,” she and Joseph enter the Temple courtyard to offer a “ransom” for their baby since he is the firstborn male (Leviticus 12).

According to the Law, the firstborn male of every Jewish household is to be dedicated to the Lord and “ransomed” by the sacrifice of a living animal. Most parents would offer a lamb, but if they couldn’t afford it, they would offer two birds—which is what Mary and Joseph do.


And while the new family is at the Temple that day, they meet TWO elderly people who have been anticipating their arrival for decades.

First, they meet a man named Simeon who is compelled to visit the Temple on the same day at the same time. When he sees them, he knows deep inside that this is the moment he’s been waiting for his whole life. Simeon takes the baby in his arms, praises the Lord, and prophesies about his life.

Then, while this is happening, an old woman (today’s woman of valor, Anna) walks over to see what the commotion is all about. Anna’s eyes immediately land on a strange scene: Old Simeon—who is almost always alone at the Temple—is holding a teeny baby in his arms while others look on. He’s talking so loudly she can hear him from across the courtyard.

Simeon is loudly exclaiming things like: "Now I can die in peace!" and "I've seen our salvation!" and something about the baby being "a light to the Gentiles" and "glory to your people Israel." Joining the crowd, Anna observes Simeon blessing the young family and she realizes this is a moment of true significance.

Anna is a prophetess, and what she is witnessing resonates deeply with her soul. She quickly and accurately discerns that this is no ordinary baby.

Anna is present when Simeon predicts the baby is "destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel and to be a sign that will be opposed," and he tells the young mother that a sword will pierce her soul. That's such a strange thing to say to a new mother, isn't it? 😲


Anna chimes in and turns the conversation back to a more celebrative tone thanking God for this precious baby boy and his loving parents. It’s a moment she will never, ever forget.

After the family leaves the Temple, Anna cannot contain her enthusiasm, and begins sharing the good news:

"She gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to ALL who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem."
Luke 2:38b

Anna has a new spring in her step as she spreads the word of God's faithfulness to His people.

One last thing: Anna is the only named woman in the New Testament who is called a prophetess.

You can read Anna's story in Luke 2


Additional Resources:

Photo Credits:

Photo by Tatiana Zanon on Unsplash

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