We Escaped Slavery on Juneteenth! (TFC Tues News #2)

Jun 25, 2024 5:16 pm

TriumFit's Million Dollar Weekend Challenge Checklist [on step 2 of 34]

My company is built around challenges.

Physical challenges.

But also mental challenges.

Because you cannot easily separate the mind from the body.

In this newsletter I promised you behind the scenes access to the "Chief Challenge Officer" (me)

Noah Kagan's book "Million Dollar Weekend" has been my book of the year so far. It stirred a deep entrepreneurial drive I haven't felt before.

What better way to document my OWN journey, than by doing his 34-step business challenge checklist. (see how meta this is?)

This will be my accountability to you, dear reader, to show you how the plane is built... in mid air.

Finger's crossed this isn't a Boeing 737, and the doors actually stay on the whole time.

But if they don't, I'm going down with the ship, as your loyal captain.



Worked on part 2 of the MDW business challenges by reaching out to my buddy from college Salvador. The challenge was to ask a friend for a business idea they think you could be good at. But since I already jumped the gun with starting TFC (the move fast and break shit approach), I asked him for feedback on what I have so far on the website. He got busy over the weekend, so I will update his thoughts next Tuesday and see what I can modify from there.


"Warriors of the Week" TriumFit's highlight of the TFC community:


(In no particular order):

Sam Wambaa- Got his 10 miles done with his daughter Kaia at Campus by the Sea!

Jordan Spradlin- Roped two Army buddies in to get 5 miles of running and 5 miles of walking done, HOOAH Solider! Keep those "Bad Hombres" out of


Ishaan Rao- My guy came up JUST short at 8.6 miles, but honestly he is still a badass and easily the most Zen meditator in the TFC group! He is probably reaching enlightenment as I type this.

Alex Reinfeldt- This man is a train, one to watch out for if he signs up for the 2025 calendar. He got it done BEFORE work at 6 am. 19.2 miles for the day, this dude is half-man/half-machine and full IRONMAN.

Brett Connaughton- This Irish brother seemed to be very blister prone on the challenge. Not sure if he ever did finish. Not even sure if he has any skin on his feet left. But he still represented Chicago and Ireland well on Juneteenth nonetheless...

Kam Mills- Best speech of the day award fersure. He walked it out like a champ and promoted TFC to all his followers, well done cousin! He is my favorite track coach too. Shoutout to him helping me on my Sub5 min/mile project.

Justin Robinson- This "Wild Blackman" is a Crossfit/keto legend, some say he is still walking towards his freedom up a cliff barefoot now. He wanted to add 20 second sprints in after every mile, what a champ! He also moonlights as a wildland firefighter. Another one to watch out for if he takes on the 2025 TFC calendar...

Well done warriors,

The next challenge is the 4th of July "Feast and Fast" supporting the Action Against Hunger foundation. Sign up below if you want to get involved.

Simple as it sounds, eat 10,000 calories one day and then perform a 48-hour fast over the next two days! I will be doing my eating June 30th and fasting the 1st and 2nd of July. You can do yours anytime around the 4th that makes sense, as long as it is done before Tuesday the following week (the 9th), so I can write about your success (or failure) in the TFC newsletter.

I will use Macrofactor to track calories and "Zero" to track my fast. You can use MyFitnessPal or any other free app you can find. Try to take a pictures and a short video randomly throughout the challenge if you want to be included in these "Warriors of the Week" shoutouts.

Appreciate you all (my honorary 1K Club) and turning this dream in to a reality.

Forward this email to 1 person who is into fitness OR altruism, let's bring everybody on board for the future of purpose-driven-fitness!


"TriumFit Transparency:" where we talk problems and development:


Founders: Ryan Smith (aka "big smit") and Tyler Smith (aka "bigger smit")

Ryan was in town in the PNW this weekend, so we had a fun time at a brewery game planning some future updates and how to make TFC the best product and fitness competition on the planet.

Development ideas:

1) Adding a 1 v. 1 "Dueling" system where you can call individual TFC members out on a given months challenge, wager money and increase your earnings if you beat their stats!

2) An "Ironman" type of recognition for most continuous challenges completed in a row

3) A baseline test in January and then a follow up in December to ACTUALLY see how fit the TFC made you, year over year

4) A cap at 60 monthly challenges (5 year cycles), where challenges recycle every 5th year. That way cohorts can compare their times across the years (e.g. anyone who signed up for 2025 challenges would be able to see how they did against the 2030 cohort who has the same exact January-December events)

5) A "King" of TFC competition, where the top leaderboard members at the end of the year are entered into an ultimate competition against the leaderboard winners of previous years (e.g. every 4 years like the Olympics)

6) Addition of an "altruistic" leaderboard and "duel" champion leaderboards (already on the website now)

7) Customizable profiles which track your stats and challenges entered (this will be a manual entry option until the next development below)

8) Plans for a TFC mobile iOS app (goal is ~2026) to automate all of your stats/donations/challenges/wins/etc in the future in one easy place to share your date on other social platforms

9) User submission challenge ideas that give you perks if we select a monthly challenge you came up with

10) This list is long, but you get the point, we are excited for the FUTURE of this endeavor, just be patient, awesome things are coming to the TFC

Problems list:

1) Automations for waivers/monthly sign ups (currently I am doing manual entry, but I am thinking about having users update the Google sheets themselves to prevent me from mistakes/endless repetitive tasks as this scales, but that relies on users not to be huge dicks and erasing date or adding in months they didn't pay entry for), but I think there are ways to "backup" Google Sheets (Gary Fluitt, you would know this stuff better than anyone).

2) Ideally finding out a "credit/token" system, so you can choose your months more freely in the future (e.g. if you are out of town on vacation and don't want to burn a month). Again, this is solved with trust in users to input their data themselves on the months they want on the editable Google sheets


p.s. if you registered for a TFC event, make sure you're on the official entry list for Federal or Monthly challenges. There is no need to sign up for the Weekly flash quests, those are free for subscribing to the TriumFit Tues News(letter) below.

Federal holiday charity events participants (only 3 more challenges left this year!)

Monthly challenge participants (50% OFF UNTIL AUGUST 1ST)

TFC price list

Subscribe to the TriumFit Tues News(letter) here!

Stay Legendary,

Chief Challenge Officer

