Superpowers and selling and less regret

Apr 25, 2023 1:57 pm

Dear ,

On Friday I was at a networking with meeting with a group of what I think of as 'powerful' (heavy emphasis on the POWER) women.

They're all leaders in their fields/areas. They all have successful businesses. They all know their shit inside and out.

And on Friday two things happened that are worth sharing.

First, in this group I often feel like a little kid - like the one who snuck over to the adult table and is hoping no one will notice.

I feel like I got added to the wrong room somehow. I often think 'jeez, I'm just a teacher...'

But you know what?

**What if the reason you think you don’t belong is also your superpower and the reason what you do matters?**

For me, this is my 'just a teacher' thought.

Being 'just a teacher' is the reason I can see things differently. It's the reason that I can do what I do, the way I do.

It's my superpower and the reason people need me and my perspective.

And what happened in the group Friday was proof of that...

(this is the second thing)

Towards the end of the call one of the ladies - the one I think 'good lord, she's AMAZING' every. damn. time. shared that the thing that scares her most, that she hates most, that is her BIGGEST hang up and barrier is feeling salesy.

Feeling. salesy.

She said something like: 'I just hate selling. Mostly things work on accident and I always wonder what would be possible for me if I selling didn't scare me.'

I was like (ahem, internally, because I DO have manners) 'WHATTTTTTT???'

First, this was the first time I was like 'oh, right, she's a human too - cool.'

Second, I then immediately thought 'well, wait, you don't at all have to hate it... it's not like that. Jeez.'

And THEN... 'hmmm. Maybe this is why I'm here. These ladies ALSO need what I have around selling without feeling salesy'.

Y'ALL. Please hear me. Here's what I need to yell today, and maybe all the days.

Selling doesn't have to suck. You don't have to hate it. AND you don't have to do it the way you think or that you've been told or whatever - we have been taught some messed up junk about sales and we can CHOOSE to do it differently, today.

You can ALWAYS BE GIVING and that can be a sales strategy. It sure as hell is mine and I'm doing just fine over here.

Please, let's open the door to the idea that selling doesn't have to be miserable.

Because what I don't want for the ladies in my Friday group OR for YOU is for anyone to be walking around wondering what would be possible for them and their people and their business if they didn't hate selling. O. M. G.

That's not cool. That's REGRET. And we're not here for that. Nope we're here to do the thing and help the people and sell as we give. Because that shit works.

So today for you?

  • Think about why you think you don't belong and let's embroider that on your superhero cape. Because that's exactly why you DO belong.

  • And selling doesn't have to be the thing in your way. That's optional and if you need help changing it, I'm here for that.

If you haven't joined the workshop + 15 day challenge starting 5/1 yet - because it's all about selling more and NOT actively hating it or making it harder - do that today.

It's going to be like hitting the easy button for selling. Fun, right???

If you have questions or want to hit reply and tell me I'm bonkers - go for it, I'm here.

Here's to using those superpowers and selling the hell out of them :)

