The math is simple. If you make MORE offers, you'll create more impact, and as you create more impact, you'll create more income in your business. Period.
But how do you actually DO this? In the midst of doing ALL the other things that you need to do to create, grow, sustain, and manage your business?
How do you do this WITHOUT spending extra time (because if you had it, it would be extra), thinking up a ton of extra things to say to actually make the offers, creating a ton of extra pressure or stress that you definitely do NOT need, or driving yourself & the people who will be BUYING from you bonkers?
You make TWO simple shifts - in the way you think about making offers, and in your process for making offers.
And I'm going to help you make BOTH.
In this workshop PLUS 15 day challenge, I'm going to teach you how to think differently about making offers, and I'm going to give you a process to making 3 or more offers a DAY with ease. Really, 9 times out of 10 it's going to take you LESS time to make more offers than it's taking you right now to do share enough of them...
How's this going to work?
May 1st at 12 noon EST join us for the LIVE Zoom workshop. I'm going to share both the mindset AND the process for changing how you offer to make MORE so. much. simpler.
[and if you can't join us live? ALL GOOD. The recording of the workshop will drop into your email inbox within 24 hours, and no, it's not going to be available to you for a limited time... it's yours, do you]
Then, over the next 15 days you'll get a series of emails with questions, ideas, tips, tricks, and tools that will help you actually IMPLEMENT both the mindset shifts and process because, really? Learning without implementation is just WATCHING. We're here to DO the thing, not just watch.
And on May 15th we'll all get back together on Zoom for live Q & A - bring all your questions, all your sticky issues, all your roadblocks (and all your WINS!) and we'll get them sorted so that you can KEEP GOING.
Want to make a bigger impact?
Want to make more money AS you make a bigger impact?
And it's all yours for $23.
Hit the button below to sign up, and then be directed to the page to make your payment. Within 24 hours of completing both steps you'll get an email with the Zoom link for the May 1st kick off.
Ready to do MORE, create MORE, HELP more, EARN more, and also not DO more?
I got you. It really IS this simple.
Join us :)