Creating Memorable Brand Experiences with Sensory Magic

There are just some smells that mark the seasons, don’t you think? The earthy aroma of crunchy fallen leaves in the autumn. The clear, crisp scent of snow and hot chocolate in the winter, and the sweet fragrance of lilacs in the spring. For me, one o...

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Jul 23, 2024
Why My Big Idea Flopped and What You Can Learn from It

Why My Big Idea Flopped and What You Can Learn from ItHey there, friends!I know we’ve been deep into our series on Human Design, but I wanted to take a quick detour to share an important business lesson with you. This one's close to my heart and I be...

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Jul 16, 2024
Is Gender Bias Impacting Your Business?

Gender bias is a sneaky, persistent issue that can have serious effects on small and home-based businesses. Women, transgender, and non-binary individuals often face unique challenges that can impact their success and overall business experience. Let...

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Jun 05, 2024
How to Reclaim Your Summer Joy as a Small Business Owner

Wow! It’s mid-May already—how did that happen? 😲 My daughter, the ever-wise school librarian, tells me we’re deep into spring and on the brink of summer. Kids are buzzing with excitement, practically bouncing off the walls. Remember those days? How t...

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May 16, 2024