Setting Work/Life Boundaries in Your Home BusinessSetting good work/life boundaries is critical to the success of your home business.Home business burnout. You may think it couldn’t happen. After all, you’re running your own business, you are th...
Creating Side Gigs for Your Home BusinessOne of the disadvantages of being your own boss can often be the fluctuation in your incomeOften how much income and when that income becomes available to you each month can be a source of stress. Some se...
Preparing for Ups and Downs in Your Home BusinessYour dream for your business might be a steady amount of client/customer activity but that is seldom the reality.In my experience, both as a home business owner and as a home business coach, it’s assum...
The Home Business Jumpstart Tips Series: Tip #2 Make You're Home Office Work for YouAll home offices aren't created equal.We're almost two years into a global pandemic that has normalized working from home, bringing the home office into the mainstrea...
What is The Home Business Jumpstart Tips Series?If you're starting, thinking about starting or currently running a home business, you know that it's a bit different than traditional small businesses. We aren't concerned with renting office space, we...
What is The Home Business Jumpstart Tips Series?If you're starting, thinking about starting or currently running a home business, you know that it's a bit different than traditional small businesses. We aren't concerned with renting office space, we...