Why My Big Idea Flopped and What You Can Learn from It

Jul 16, 2024 1:01 pm

Why My Big Idea Flopped and What You Can Learn from It


Hey there, friends!

I know we’ve been deep into our series on Human Design, but I wanted to take a quick detour to share an important business lesson with you. This one's close to my heart and I believe it’s worth the interruption. So, grab your favorite beverage and get comfy. Here’s my tale of failure.

Back in 2015, I had to close the virtual doors on a project I’d poured my heart and soul into. It was my baby, inspired by a burning desire to help others start and succeed in their own businesses. But, despite my best efforts, it didn’t work out as planned. Here’s why:

1. Misunderstanding the Market: There was definitely a demand for the information I was offering, but I didn’t realize that many people weren't willing to pay for it. Despite the value, many potential clients opted to hunt down free info online. Lesson learned: Do your market research and understand your audience’s willingness to invest. And maybe offer a free cookie.

2. Overestimating Commitment: A small group of dedicated participants found success, but many signed up, showed initial interest, and then disappeared faster than my coffee on a Monday morning. Even the best content can't help if people aren’t committed to engaging with it. It’s like offering a gym membership to a couch potato.

3. Lack of Marketing Time: Balancing my business and personal life, I didn’t have enough time to market the project effectively. Life’s curveballs, like moving and losing a loved one, made it challenging to dedicate the necessary time. Note to self: Proper marketing takes time—more time than just a few late nights and weekends. Maybe even more time than binge-watching your favorite series.

4. Falling Out of Love: As enthusiasm waned due to the above challenges, my passion for the project faded. It’s hard to stay motivated when only a few people are excited about your work. Keeping the love alive requires constant nurturing, just like any relationship. And, let’s be honest, it’s tough to stay passionate when you're running on empty and caffeine.

5. Pricing Perception: In my attempt to make the course affordable, I allowed for low costs and monthly payments. Ironically, this might have backfired. The low price possibly gave the impression that the material wasn’t valuable. Plus, without a significant upfront investment, there was less incentive for students to fully commit and complete the course. Lesson learned: Sometimes, charging what your course is truly worth can lead to better engagement and perceived value.

Despite these setbacks, the experience wasn’t without its rewards. I made invaluable connections and helped a small group achieve their goals. I learned essential lessons about understanding the market, setting realistic expectations, and balancing time and passion.

If you’re working on a project that’s losing steam, don’t be afraid to reflect and reassess. Know your market, set realistic goals, allocate sufficient time for marketing, and maintain balance in your life. Most importantly, stay resilient. Every failure is a stepping stone to future success.

I’m not ashamed of my failure, and I’m not sorry I tried. The insights gained will guide me in future endeavors. If you need help navigating your own projects, remember that failure is just part of the journey to success. Let’s keep learning and growing together. 🌟

So, next time you stumble, just think of it as a part of the dance. Keep moving forward, and let’s turn those lessons into a pathway to success. Cheers to learning and growing!

With a smile and a wink, 


Psst... Ready to turn your setbacks into success stories? Let’s work together to build a business that makes you leap out of bed in the morning (and not just because you need coffee). Check out my services and let’s start crafting your success story today! 🚀And don't forget to check out my latest articles on my website.

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