Uncover a Secret Tool for Success, It's Not What You Think! 🎨 ✨

Jan 10, 2024 5:03 am

Uncover a Secret Tool for Success... And It's Not What You Think! 🎨✨


Hello Home Business Jumpstarters,

Let's use our imaginations for a moment:

Amidst a sea of emails, deadlines, and phone calls, there sits a home business owner. Let's call her Sarah. Between juggling client projects and managing her online store, Sarah feels the weight of her to-do list. Then, on a particularly overwhelming afternoon, she discovers a forgotten treasure - a coloring book. A simple break with her coloring book and she finds her stress melting away, her creativity soaring, and her focus sharpening.

Surprised? Sarah was too. But here's the secret: adult coloring isn't just child's play – it's a powerful tool for entrepreneurs like us.

Unveiling the Power of Adult Coloring:

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety: A study in the journal 'Art Therapy' found that just 30 minutes of coloring can significantly reduce anxiety levels. Perfect for those nerve-wracking moments before a big presentation or sales call.
  • Boosts Creativity and Problem-Solving: Coloring activates different parts of our brain involved in creativity and logic, according to research from the American Art Therapy Association. As home business owners, this means more innovative solutions and out-of-the-box ideas.
  • Enhances Focus and Clarity: Coloring requires a level of concentration that can actually enhance our focus on work tasks. It's like a mental reset button!

Why Home Business Owners Need to Pay Attention:

As entrepreneurs, we often overlook the importance of taking breaks. However, a study from the University of Illinois found that brief diversions from a task can significantly increase one's ability to focus on that task for prolonged periods. So, that little coloring break might be just what you need to tackle your business challenges with renewed vigor!

But here's something most articles won't tell you: Coloring can also be a subtle yet powerful networking tool. Imagine sharing your colored creations on social media or during Zoom calls. It sparks conversations, showcases your personality, and even creates bonding opportunities with clients and peers who share similar interests.

Your Exclusive Gift:

In the spirit of enhancing our work lives, I'm excited to offer you a free download of my specially designed coloring book for home business owners - "Desk Doodle: Coloring Breaks for Business Brains." It's not just a coloring book; it's a tool for your business success and mental well-being.


To get your free copy of Desk Doodle just follow these steps:

  1. Click the button below.
  2. Use the password 'HBJ4Coloring'
  3. Download the .PDF file
  4. Print out your pages, grab your colored pencils, markers, etc. and enjoy the benefits of coloring.
  5. If you know of someone who isn't part of our newsletter community but whom you think would enjoy a copy of Desk Doodle, share this link: https://clericaladvantage.com/desk-doodle-coloring-breaks-for-business-brains/

Download Your Free Copy of Desk Doodle Now!

Embrace this little adventure of colors and lines, and discover how it can add a new dimension to your workday. Let's color our way to success, one doodle at a time!

Happy Coloring and Happy Entrepreneurship!



Your Coloring Cohort

P.S. Share your colored pages on social media with the hashtag #mydeskdoodle


Ready to Reclaim Your Life and Business? Discover 'Delegate Like a Boss: How To Grow Your Small Business & Avoid Burnout,' Absolutely FREE!


Are you teetering on the edge of business burnout, struggling to find time for life's joys? Delegating is a crucial skill that can transform your business and personal life. But when should you delegate, and how can you do it effectively?

In 'Delegate Like a Boss,' you'll uncover:

  • Clarity on when to delegate
  • Step-by-step delegation strategies
  • A practical checklist for effective delegation

Delegate Like A Boss




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