Alchemize April
Apr 01, 2024 4:00 pm
Hi There ,
With eclipse season in full gear and mercury back in retrograde, it's a turbulent time for many. How is it hitting you?
This year, it materialized in a very physical way for me and required a trip to the doctor, but thankfully it's a simple fix. I'm hearing that's not the case for others. So wherever you are in how this time is impacting you, just know you're not alone.
There are many who'll tell you, this is not a time to begin new things or try to manifest. I disagree to a point. I believe that it's not a time to try to make things happen on your own. It's not a time to attempt creation if you're not sure what you're doing.
I believe it's a powerful time to lean into the support of community and follow the guidance of those who's wisdom inspires you. Which this week's card encourages us to lean into.
Weekly Draw ~ Mar 31st-Apr 6th
Card: Three of Cups ⬇️
Rise by lifting others up
Now is a time to lean into collaborative energy. Be open to the unique talents and perspectives others have to offer. Celebrate those differences not only in others, but also what makes you one of a kind.
Together, we amplify and magnify the vibrations of each other and the collective. New heights are made possible for those who come together in harmony and fill their cups by pouring into others.
Does this resonate for you?
It's Happening! April 6th!
This magic only happens twice a year and this Saturday is the first chance to soak it all in for 2024.
Join me at the Angel of the Winds Arena from 10am-4pm for your chance to receive intuitive and empathic readings or event exclusive mini coaching sessions.
There's also amazing crystals, skilled healers, hand crafted jewelry, and incredible metaphysical wears to enjoy. Over 100 vendors and practitioners will be coming together to serve our community.
Gain guidance and move into the rest of your year with confidence and clarity, and of course come say hello!
Find all the details here.
Starting In 1 Week!
Dreams To Reality my FREE 5 Day Visualization Challenge for Busy Moms beings on Monday April 8th!
On day 1 alone, I share a guided experience that was channeled to me which has blown minds over and over again. Right from the start, you're going to find yourself diving into a whole new world of possibilities.
Then on day 5, I was guided to add a bonus activation which heightens the vibrations of both our visions AND our group!
That means, the more amazing people we have in the challenge, the more incredible all our results will be. In just five days for only 30 minutes a day!
Don't miss your chance to register and get your workbook here!
Bring A Friend, Get A Deal!
It's not too late to take advantage of discounted rates for the Alchemy of Abundance. A 21-day journey to transmute your lack into luster begins on Monday April 15th and it can be in both your inbox, and that of your friends.
When you bring a friend, you both get 15% off your enrollment. Add another friend and it becomes 20% of each. It just keeps getting better because the fact is, abundance is meant to be shared and I want to get this to as many amazing souls as I can!
Ready to get your group together and watch the price drop? Reply to this email and tell me who you're bringing into the lab with you!
Or grab your ticket before they disappear here.
To Your Dreams,
~Elizabeth Watson