A Meal to Change Your Life!
Oct 10, 2024 4:00 pm
Hi ,
What if I told you that you could change your entire life, one meal at a time?
No, I'm not recommending a restaurant here. I'm not even sharing a recipe this time. Although I have a few that are pretty world altering.
I'm talking about a way to make each and every meal into an experience.
The kind that has you savoring not only the flavor, but the texture of each bite. Appreciating the ways you are nourishing your body. Truly connecting with every thing that fuels you no matter what you're eating.
This trick is also amazing at improving your overall health and wellbeing.
Studies have shown that this is a method which reduces emotional eating, increases weight loss, and reduces cravings.
So what the heck is this miraculous thing that can change your life one meal at a time?
I'm talking about the practice of... mindfulness.
When you slow down and breathe into the moment so that you are fully present in the here and now. Where meditation brings your focus fully within, this is the time to really pay attention the the external world around you.
Taking in all the details of your senses. Experiencing everything on a much more intentional level.
This goes way beyond the meals we eat.
As you can imagine, there's no limit to the ways we can bring mindfulness into our daily lives.
From washing dishes, to taking a walk, to mindfully enjoying your shower.
Taking the time to be fully in a moment in time brings a wealth of benefits like enhancing gratitude, reducing stress, and improving relationships just to name a few.
Are you ready to discover the magical ways a mindfulness practice can help you thrive?
While this is just a very brief (and perhaps hunger influenced) introduction into the ways this habit can alter your life, there's SO much more to discover and explore!
Join us for the Mindfulness & Embodiment Summit starting TODAY!
I was so honored when I was asked to be a speaker in this powerful event. My talk on Mindful Manifestation is just one of the amazing topics being shared over the next two days.
There will be presentations on:
- How to raise your frequency
- Mindfulness in daily routines: cultivating calm, clarity and self-love
- Unlocking your joy
- Tapping into the power of your feminine ancestors
- You are your greatest power & truest guide
- Serving in flow: from burnout to thriving
- 3 keys to discover the self connection™
- You can't achieve it if you don't embody it
- Gratefulness changes everything for your body
- And more!
Take advantage of this free event with today's live Q&A.
With the day one speakers all gathering to dive deeper into what sparks for you in living your life mindfully, this is not to be missed.
We'll give you all the clarity before we head into day two when the focus turns to embodiment.
Both of these topics are things I work with clients on and I'm thrilled to be sharing a taste of their power with you for Free today.
Secure your spot completely free here and let me know what you're most excited to learn!
To Your Dreams,
~Elizabeth Watson
P.S. Have you gotten your copy of Enchanted Divinations | Tarot Inspired Tales yet? There's been such an amazing response to this book already and I can't wait for you to enjoy it too!