Alchemy of Abundance ~ Next Steps

Nov 25, 2023 2:00 am

Congratulations Again !

How does it feel now that the experience is over?

Are you feeling sad? Relieved? Proud of yourself for how much you accomplished and stuck with it? Disappointed with what you didn't get to? In wonder of all the transmutation you've already seen? Still wondering where the magic is?

Here's the thing. Life has an ebb and a flow. It's cyclical. Sometimes we have the Midas touch and everything feels easy and other times, very much not. The challenge is never truly over.

But one things I've learned from my studies and personal experience, is that successful people don't go it alone! EVER.

From billionaires to thought leaders, they'll all tell you that to achieve any greatness or achievement in life, you need a coach. People don't figure out life on their own.

Because of coaching and taking action, I've personally been able to consciously create a life I truly love which gets better every day! I'm deeply fulfilled, my personal values are being honored fully, and I get to explore my passions while providing service which lights me up.

So even if you're still struggling with some limiting money stories, still trying to trust your worthiness to live in the full abundance you desire, or haven't fully felt the spark of your inner magic as strongly as you know it can...

It's time to invest in yourself.

There's so much more that comes into this abundance journey than most people realize. You've already taken steps that 96% of the population can't or won't. They live in their rut and let their dreams stay just that way, as dreams.

The 4% of people who demand more from their lives. Who refuse to settle for the ordinary and instead know that not only is everything they long for possible, they take steps to live an extraordinary life.

They know the value of taking the kind of quantum leap only possible by investing in getting help.

So let me ask you this, if nothing changes for you in the next 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, how would you feel? Are you satisfied with your current level of abundance and possibilities? Or would you like to live a life that's beyond anything you can currently imagine?

I'd love for you to reply to this email and share your plan for how you'll get to that kind of lifestyle in the next 90 days with me.

To Your Dreams,

~Elizabeth Watson
