Alchemy of Abundance ~ Day 18
May 23, 2024 4:00 pm
Hello ,
It's time to narrow our focus back onto you and an important aspect of living your best and most abundant life. Your health. This isn't just about diet and exercise though, we're going to discuss your whole-self healthy life balance.
Remember, that a balanced healthy lifestyle involves taking into account your satisfaction and health in areas like:
- Career
- Family
- Fun & Social Life
- Health
- Money
- Personal Development
- Relationship
- Spirituality
All of these are interrelated and necessary to live your most fulfilled, most balanced life. Knowing and seeing how these all work together gives you a powerful way to begin making conscious change.
Once complete, spend time evaluating it
- What areas are low
- What are high
- How do they impact each other?
- Is one of the lower ones pulling down others?
- Would improving one low area improve others?
- Would improving one lower others?
- Would a short term drop in one while working to improve another be worth it?
- Have any of these areas ever been higher? Lower?
- What led to the high/low?
- What improved or impacted it
- What was learned
Also take time to identify which of these aspects are your priorities. Then brainstorm ways you can improve any of the lower scores
To Your Dreams,
~Elizabeth Watson