Times Are Changing...
Mar 03, 2025 5:01 pm
Hello ,
Well, it's been a minute hasn't it?
Honestly, I can't believe how much time flies when you're not well but here we are. After a rather nasty flare up of my Asthma followed by traveling and some MASSIVE revelations, I'm so glad to finally be getting back to you.
One of the main things I support all my clients with is a whole-self healthy life balance. That means when one aspect of your life demands more of you, you get to honor it. So I'm proud to say that's exactly what I've been doing.
And yet... I've missed being here for you so much!
I've got some major things to share with you soon, but I'm taking my time to find the words. I will be going live on my Facebook feed this week to share them, so stay tuned and you'll hear all about it.
You know I'd never leave it at that though, right? So below I have some fantastic things to share with you! Let's start with this week's card:
Weekly Draw ~ Mar 2nd-8th
Card: Queen of Cups
Balance Your Feelings
There is a high level of emotional energy present at this time and it can be easy to be swept away. Now is the time to be aware of your feelings but not ruled by them. While there may be waves of intensity, remember you are capable of navigating them. Especially when you allow yourself to know what it is you are feeling.
The key to this turbulent time will be to balance what you feel with what you know. Both on a cognitive and an intuitive level. Let your emotions give direction toward your inner knowing. Trust your heart to lead you true and remember to wear the world lightly. Find the fun to balance intense emotions.
Does this resonate for you?
Ready To Be VIP?
We've got a special full moon coming up this month. On Friday March 14th the Worm Moon will be a partial eclipse. There can be no better time to tap into the intuitive guidance of the Universe.
Come and claim your very own professional tarot reading... for FREE!
The members of my Dawn of Your Dreams community will be able to receive a personal reading as my gift with every full moon. This is one way I love to give back to the incredible people who make this group so special.
There's a place for you just in time to have your very own intuitive and empathic reading live on Friday March 14th at 5pm PST. Join the group and claim your reading before they're gone.
Feel The Energy
Have you been feeling the need for extra support from people who just get you? Those who have the skills, knowledge, and experience to really help you with the metaphysical aspects of life?
This Saturday, March 8th will be the return of the NW Psychic Fair at the Triway Grange in Mill Creek Washington.
From 10am-5pm, I will be joining a hand selected group of readers, healers, and artisans to meet those needs. There's nothing like the feel of the energy of this longest running psychic fair in the northwest.
Find me in front of the stage to receive an in person reading. Take advantage of one of my event exclusive mini coaching sessions. Pick up a copy of Enchanted Divinations of your own and I'll even sign it for you!
Is This You?
With all the uncertainty in the stock market and in the economy right now, financial education is more important than ever.
That's why I encourage you to check out my friend Penelope’s Financial Freedom 101 event… it’s designed to give you the practical tools you need to get your money working harder FOR you right away... and provide you with the financial education you never received at home or in school.
In just 3 days, you’ll get the tools to become financially free forever! Grab your scholarship ticket here!
To Your Dreams,
~Elizabeth Watson