Time to Start Anew?

Jan 27, 2025 5:01 pm

Hello ,

Ok, so we're in the last week of January. Let's be straight with each other, are you where you wanted to be by this point?

If not, you're not alone. It's so easy to start the new calendar year off with big bold plans, lofty resolutions, and promises to yourself that THIS is the year. The year you lose the weight, get out of debt, find your soulmate, stop yelling at the kids, buy the house, go back to school, start the business...

So many beautiful dreams that pretty much all stay unrealized. Because life doesn't rearrange itself just because the calendar flipped over, does it?

If you're like more than 80% of people, by now your resolutions are just one more thing you're beating yourself up about. But what if it isn't your fault?!

What if there was a better way and a better time to make true, lasting, and massive change for your family, your life, and yourself? What if now was actually the time when the energy of the Universe could work with you to make it all happen? And what if you could get help?

If that's caught your attention, I've got three VERY exciting opportunities for you! Let's get to it!!



Weekly Draw ~ Jan 26th-Feb 1st

Card: Five of Cups ⬇️

Let it go, truly

It is time for you to lighten your load by releasing all that no longer serves your best interests. Free yourself of the resentments, grief, and hate which would enshroud you in the mire. Anchoring you to the low vibration space and robbing you of hope.

You are a creation of stardust and Spirit. You are limitless by nature. The moments of contrast are meant to provide lessons, not be where you live. Let this be the time when you fully and finally let go of all the feelings that have held you back. It is your time to rise.

Does this resonate for you?



Final Call!

Visionary Mama 5-Day Challenge is starting TODAY and it’s going to be value-packed.  

I’ve got more than 10 coaching certifications including being a Master Life Coach. I'm also a homeschooling mom of three.

But what excites me most is seeing my clients go from being sick of always wanting more but have zero time to get there... to effortlessly making a life you love for you and your family.

Like Michelle who got support in turning her stressful work environment into an even and respectful team dynamic. She found her voice to both step into a leadership role in her spiritual community while also clearly communicating her boundaries. And she manifested her first two paid clients for the business she'd been hoping to start for years.

This is your golden ticket! In 5-days, you'll unlock your power to connect to a life where all you long for for your family and yourself is within reach, without adding to your packed schedule.

Here’s what you'll get by joining us:

  • Discover how to visualize when you have no time
  • Avoid the most common mistakes made in visualizing
  • Reveal your superpower and how to use it
  • See how to create a life you LOVE to live
  • Enjoy a BONUS community activation experience!

Don't miss a thing! Join and grab your workbook here!!



This Weekend

The light begins to return on Saturday February 1st and I will be celebrating with PNW Witches' Market at the Pickering Barn in Issaquah Washington.

From 11am to 12pm I'll be providing intuitive and empathic readings, brand new reading and coaching packages, mini coaching sessions...

I'll also have copies of my Enchanted Divinations | Tarot Inspired Tales you can buy and have signed right at the table! Celebrate the Wheel of the Year turning with a powerful clarity session this weekend.

Experience magical artist, mystical crafts, powerful practitioners, food trucks and coffee, as well as take advantage of a guided Imbolc ritual and a workshop on Labyrinths. Find out more about this free event here.



Cheers Lunar New Year!

This Wednesday marks the new year with the new moon. In the Chinese zodiac, this will be the year of the snake. This is said to be a year that will bring wisdom, intuition, and mystery.

I also consider it a prime time to ditch the resolutions and try something that could actually set your year up for success. So I want to help by sharing something special with you.

I know what it feels like to be sick of new years resolutions that never last past January. And, I also know what it's like to make this the year that everything changes for you and your family. 

This why I'm opening registration for an encore presentation of my Intentions & Visioning for Busy Moms Workshop! And it’s going to fill up quickly because not only will you discover how to...

  • Create a crystal clear vision for your year ahead
  • Avoid the most common mistakes that sabotage making lasting change

You'll also learn the secrets to setting intentions for your whole-self and have an eye-opening guided visualization experience.

You can get ALL of the details here. I hope you join me!  

To Your Dreams,

~Elizabeth Watson

P.S. I got a chance to have a powerful conversation with Amy Grace of the Everyday Super Mom podcast all about how we can love our body no matter what stage of the journey we're in. I'd love for you to get to listen and I hope my story helps you on your own path to health and wellness.
