The Answer's In You

May 31, 2024 2:01 am

Hi ,

Let me know if you've every experienced this kind of situation will you?

You're having a conversation with someone. You're opening up and letting yourself vent about a frustration or struggle you've been dealing with and just so at a loss as to how to move forward. Not even really hoping they'll have anything to share back honestly, because you've already been thinking about this from every angle.

Then, out of no where, they point something out or reflect something back to you that just blows your mind. It's absolutely the answer you've been looking for. It's so simple you can't conceive of how you didn't figure it out on your own. (You may even feel a bit embarrassed that it took someone else to help you see it.)

Does that sound familiar?

I can't tell you how many times I've experienced this personally and professionally in my life. Yet every time, it leaves me flabbergasted all over again!

I've had the pleasure of coaching several women lately who have done it all. They've been in therapy, had coaching, studied independently, done the energetic work. I mean ALL the things.

Yet each of them had a challenge they just couldn't seem to get past that was holding them back.

For each and every one of them, I'm delighted to share that I was able to bring clarity, guidance, and an empowered sense of the way forward for their unique situations.

All of it, by listening first to them and being sure I understood them. Then trusting my own intuition and experience. Finally sharing what I was getting and letting them feel into whether that was their answer or not.

Each of these sessions was so powerful and such a beautiful reminder of the honor I hold by being able to coach others. I'm seriously getting tears in my eyes just sharing this. And each of them knew these were the answers they'd been seeking, because they could feel this was what their intuition had been whispering to them.

This is the power of coaching. This is the amazing potential of allowing ourselves to open up. To trust another with our vulnerability. To not give up or let our dreams be pushed aside when it gets confusing or difficult.

This is what happens when we let ourselves dream big, and then get help.

This is what comes, when we listen within for the answers. Even if we need another to help us hear it clearly.

I'm so inspired and grateful for these amazing sessions, that I'm even more fired up to share new opportunities with you! So that you too, can experience that moment of truly connecting with your own inner knowing.

If you're ready to discover more of what lies within you, I'd love for you to join me starting Tuesday June 4th for Unlimit Your Beliefs. This 4-day challenge will included 30 minute live sessions every day at 5pm PST all focused on limiting beliefs.

I'll share with you what they are, how they form, the ways they impact our daily lives, and best of all... how to shift them into empowering your limitless potential!

Then coming up next Saturday, June 8th from 10am-5pm, I'll be returning to the PNW Psychic Fair at the Triway Grange. Come visit me in Mill Creek Washington for your only chance to get a live reading in the month of June. I will be sharing tarot and oracle readings as well as mini coaching sessions that I only do for live events.

Finally, for my fellow entrepreneurs, I want to share an upcoming networking event that I'm ecstatic to be returning to. I was referred to this event by my publisher and attend the March session. It was simply incredible with a wealth of resources and connections I'm still benefiting from.

I invite you to join me in attending the June session of JV Connect by snagging your ticket here. I can not say enough about how well run and valuable this event is and I'm so looking forward to returning for more!

As always, I have much more to share with you coming up. For now, I invite you to spend this weekend really listening to the guidance and knowing that comes from within you. It is my hope that it will lead you to sharing one (or all!!) of the above experiences with me.

To Your Dreams,

