Instagram LogoI often hear: ❝ I learn English to watch movies and Tv shows in the original". A lot of learners think about it as a DREAM, or GOAL. But what if it's not a goal, but a ROAD to get there? ⠀ You don't have to wait till you get a certificate with "B2 level" to watch, enjoy them + lean English at the same time. ⠀ ❝ But I tried, and it's so difficult! I don't understand so much and I hate not understanding!" - you might say. But even if it's challenging, it is useful and can be fun. ⠀ Let's learn together: to give up trying to understand everything, stop trying to force English - and watch for pleasure and for communication instead. (like native speakers do). ⠀ Or some of you might say the opposite: ❝ I already watch TV shows, and it's not a problem - the problem is I don't feel like I've learned anything. It just feels like relaxation. But I haven't started to speak better". ⠀ In the course I'm running in August, you will learn how to combine pleasure and usefulness, without making it a chore. Whether your level is Pre-Intermediate or Upper-Intermediate, you'll be able to discuss questions about characters and situations in the group AND get feedback from me. You'll refresh and activate what you know, learn what you need to know, practice expressing your thoughts (in writing or by recording vice messages) and improve your grammar as well as expand your vocabulary. ⠀ This way, it's not only convenient to learn English, but also useful and fun. ⠀ ?Want to try? Sign up here
Instagram LogoIn the previous post, I spoke about the 1st thing you need to get most of TV shows = normalization.⁠ Even simply watching an episode is useful. ⁠ But if you do ONLY that, don't expect much progress in your English. ⁠ ⁠ The second key that can make your English much better is sharing. ⁠ ⁠ ✱ Sharing helps you understand what you understood and what you missed.⁠ ✱ Sharing makes you remember new language without memorizing it.⁠ ✱ Sharing helps you find your social tribe with whom you can use your English without effort.⁠ ⁠ At my course "Training with Ted Lasso", you don't even have to think how to activate your English, because you can use the questions from my course workbook. ⁠ I usually ask 5 questions per episode. ⁠ I recommend answering 1 question every day. This way, it doesn't take too much time (15 minutes for 1 answer, maybe?) and you will be using English every day to build a habit.⁠ ⁠ While giving answers, you will refresh your vocabulary and grammar, learn a new word or two, and with my help you'll notice your mistakes and get rid of them.⁠ ⁠ Without activation, learning is an illusion. ⁠ As you can see from the carousel screenshots, you'll be learning useful language not only from the TV show itself, but also from my comments, corrections and explanations.⁠ ⁠ ⭐My "English Training with Ted Lasso" course will make it feel normal and natural to watch and to discuss what you liked, just like native speakers do. And to make it a habit - something you will continue doing even after the course is over.⁠ ⁠ Join the course - it starts on August 2. Ask me anything about it the comments or DMs. or sign up here, if you're ready⁠⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #WatchYourEnglish #LearnToLearn #TVshows #learningwithTVshows #TedLasso #learningcommunity #общениенаанглийском #английскийвудовольствие ⁠ #комедиянаанглийском #английскийпосериалам #английскийонлайн #англіськадлядорослих⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Instagram LogoSo, where were we? (На чем мы остановились?) A few days ago, I mentioned that in order to get comfortable watching TV series in English on a regular basis, you need to do 2 things: normalize and share.⁠ ⠀ NORMALIZE IT ⠀ When it comes to movies and TV shows in English, we usually try to catch every word and phrase. We think it's a like at school, when you listen to the recording, and have to get all the answers right. ⠀ But it's impossible to understand 100% of what you hear. Even teachers don't catch absolutely everything. Not even native speakers. ⠀ But it doesn't mean that you can't understand an episode, or characters: what they are doing and why. ⠀ You need to let yourself listen and understand SOMETHING. And the more often you allow yourself to do it, the more you will understand. ⠀ How to normalize in a hurry: ✱ Choose a time to watch an episode ( early morning or 30 minutes before bed) ✱ Find a cozy place to watch it (on the sofa with a cup of coffee?) ✱ Set up the subtitles (yes, it's OK to use them). ✱ Forget about learning English (really). Sit, relax, and enjoy the show. If you notice something curious, remember it or take a note of it somewhere, but DON'T PAUSE THE VIDEO and check words in the dictionary, just keep watching. You can always go back and watch some interesting scene again, if necessary. Now simply watch it like a native speaker, with your ATTENTION ON THE STORY, NOT THE LANGUAGE. ✱ But after the episode ends, stop and think about it, even for only 10 seconds. Ask yourself what you feel (about the story, characters, the language, about yourself) and why. If you took notes, look back at the interesting phrase you caught or a question you had (something you were confused about). Just give it enough time to notice it. ⠀ ★If you do that, you'll be training your brain to recognize and normalize that it's OK to watch, to understand something (but not everything), and to learn a little every time. ⠀ So, that’s normalizing. Next, you have to share. I'll tell you more about why you need it and how you can do it best in my next post. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Watch, enjoy, learn - Tania.
Instagram LogoToday I'd like to tell you about an insightful comparison of 2 new comedy TV shows, which deal with the questions of what it means to be American. ⠀ These observations come from the post called THE NEW COMEDY OF AMERICAN DECLINE. ⠀ The TV shows are Emily in Paris and Ted Lasso. ⠀ Both shows tell a story of an American who moves across the ocean to live in Europe. ⠀ Emily is a young marketing executive who moves to Paris to represent her company. Ted Lasso is a coach of (American) football who moves to London to coach football (which Americans call soccer). ⠀ Both characters are optimistic and friendly and absolutely clueless about* their new homes. In both shows, locals resent* them for their ignorance, at least at first. Both Emily and Ted are loud boisterous, clueless, stereotypically American. But I agree with the writer that Ted Lasso's loudness is a feint* - and that is the biggest difference between these 2 shows. ⠀ Yes, Ted is ignorant about anything outside the US, but because his top quality is his curiosity, "Ted Lasso" is the story of how he overcomes his ignorance. ⠀ ⠀ I also agree with the writer that Ted Lasso is nation-aware in a way Emily in Paris is not. ⠀ Have you watched many comedies where characters discuss imperialism (not as a joke)? This one does. Emily treats Americanism as a gift. Ted views his Americanism as something to be overcome. ⠀ Another difference is how both series deal with individualism and team spirit. 'Ted Lasso"'s title seems to be about an individual (main character), but tells a story of a team, and deeply considers what it means to be a team. Also, Ted doesn’t care about winning - he cares about what happens to the team, and about each player who are in the team. ⠀ Personally, I cringed* almost every time Emily said anything, so I stopped watching after the 1st episode. "Ted Lasso" gripped from the first*, and felt more in line how I see the world. ⠀ ⠀ If you are a language learner and want to get into a habit of watching TV shows, I cannot recommend it enough. Also I suggest doing a group course with me that starts in August. Let me know if you're interested. ⠀ Watch, enjoy, learn - Tania.
Instagram LogoЯ на 4 курсе иняза паниковала, когда новая преподаватель включала прямой эфир EuroNews. Мы должны были послушать 1-3 новости и потом пересказать, что уловили и помнили. ⠀ До этого, на 2-3 курсах нам задавали слушать BBC - обычно как домашнее задание - и мы все немного махлевали (cheated), списывая к кого-то, кто реально слушал или сочиняя свои новости "по мотивам" услышанного в новостях из телевизора. Напомню, что в то время послушать новости в интернете было незвозможно, и нужно было брать кассету с записью в лаборатории, и качество записей было не ахти. Но суть не в том ... ⠀ Суть в том, что началао 4 курса стало шоком. Я в новостях не понимала, чего хотят бастующие (strikers), в новости об урагане слов не улавливала - понимала смысл только по картинке, и когда приходило время отвечать, я первое время ощущала себя двоечницей. Одногрупиники чувствали себя не лучше., но со временем, мы все втянулись и приучили свои "уши" и мозги понимать больше и паниковать меньше. ⠀ Но острое ощущение дискомфорта (паники- до просмотра и самобичевание - после) помню до сих пор. ⠀ Многие изучающие на уровне Intermediate УЖЕ хотят смотреть фильмы и сериалы, но ЕЩЕ не справляются с потоком эмоций, сопровождающих это дело: “Ааа, какой кошмар, я уловила только общий смысл, но остальное – просто мимо ушей …” “Мне еще рано смотреть – я столького не понимаю. Вот если я еще немного поучу английский по учебнику , тогда может быть …” “Я никогда не смогу их понимать, с их дурацкими фразочками и акцентами!” ⠀ В своей статье на вебсайте я рассказываю о двух вещах, которые сделают для вас просмотр сериалов более приятным и полезным (для английского). Короткая ссылка или ссылка в профиле ⠀ Watch, enjoy, learn - Tania.