Instagram Logo🇺🇸 / 🇺🇦 Happy 2022 - may we enjoy it more than 2021 and I hope that together we can make it even brighter, warmer, better🤗 One of the things that made 2021 year special was my movie club. I've always loved movies, meaningful discussions, and teaching English. Last year I started something that combined all three of those my favorite things. For me, movies are not just a form of entertainment (although that, too 😏). It's also a way to hear how native speakers speak, connect with characters on an emotional level, and broaden my horizons about things I'd never have learned otherwise. Today I want to share my top 10 movies of 2021 (+ the ones I didn't get to see), but also - to ask you a question: 👉What movie(s) that you watched in 2021 made an impact on your life? What was really good, memorable, insightful? (It doesn't have to be a 2021 film - it can be an older one you saw for the first time in 2021.) ❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ Щасливого вам 2022 року - отримуйте від нього більше задоволення, ніж від 2021. А я сподіватимусь, що ми разом зможемо зробити його ще яскравішим, теплішим, кращим🤗 Одна з речей, які зробили 2021 рік особливим, став мій кіноклуб. Я завжди любила фільми, змістовні дискусії та викладання англійської. Минулого року я почала дещо, що поєднувало в собі ці три мої улюблені речі. Для мене фільми — це не просто форма розваги (хоча і це теж😏). Це також спосіб почути, як говорять носії мови, переживати емоції разом із персонажами та розширювати свій кругозір щодо того, що я ніколи б не дізнався іншим чином. Сьогодні я хочу поділитися своїми 10 найкращими фільмами 2021 року, а також задати вам запитання: 👉Які фільми, які ви переглянули у 2021 році, справили на вас найбільше враження? Які були дійсно чудовими, незабутніми, глибоко вас торкнули? (Це не обов’язково має бути фільм 2021 року – це може бути старіший фільм, який ви вперше побачили у 2021 році.) #movieclubEnglish #moviehangout
Instagram Logo[ 🇺🇸 / 🇺🇦 ] There are 2 types of people: those who are happy and elated during the holiday season, and those who tend to feel a bit down. I belong to the second group, but I wondered: if I can't feel the joy, maybe I should try and create it? So I decided to pull myself out of the slump by making joyous moments and sharing them with you. So I am asking you: Would you like to join me for a holiday party? It's a free event where we'll get into the holiday mood by listening and discussing a Christmas song, discussing "the best" of 2021, and making a bucket list for 2022. If you want to join, comment below or DM, and choose the date and time by following the link. I'll announce the final date later. 🎉🎁🎇🎄🥂 Існує 2 типи людей: ті, кого новорічні свята надихають - і ті, кому треба просто пережити святкоий сезон. Я належу до 2-ої групи, але цього разу спитала себе: якщо мені не особлоиво радісно, може варто спробувати створити раддість? Тож я вирішила витягнути себе із емоційної ями, створюючи радістні моменти та даручи їх вам. Тому питання до вас: Хочете на святкову вечірку зі мною? Це групове заняття-подарунок від мене, яке допоможе настроїтися на святковий настрій, послухати (і розібрати) чудову різдвяну пісню, поспілкуватися про підсумки цього року і скласти "список побажань" на наступний. Якщо хочете з нами, прокоментуйте нижче або в приват, а також проголосуйте за зручну для вас дату й час. #holidayVibes #freeEvent #PartyInvitation #letsCelebrate2022
Instagram LogoDo you enjoy costume dramas? They are sometimes called "period dramas" because they are set in a different historical period than ours. Such movies are not necessarily historically accurate: sometimes they are closer to the truth, sometimes - further away. I think the movie we're going to discuss at our next hangout is from the latter (последней) category. The film is called "Shakespeare in Love" (1998). It stars very famous actors: Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph Fiennes, Geoffrey Rush, Judi Dench, Colin Firth, Ben Affleck, and some other recognizable faces. The movie tells a fictional story of young Shakespeare who has to stage his latest comedy, "Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's Daughter," before it's even written. When a noblewoman disguised as a man tries for a role, they fall into love -- and his play finds a new life (and title). As their relationship progresses, Shakespeare's comedy soon transforms into tragedy. Several characters are based on historical figures, and many of the characters, lines, and plot devices allude to Shakespeare's plays. I found the film very enjoyable and funny (although it's not always funny). If you love costume dramas and/or Shakespearean plays, you'll have fun. But even if you are not a fan of Shakespeare, you will probably enjoy this movie. In Ukraine, you can watch it using SweetTV, Amazon Prime, or Apple TV. But you know that even watching in English is not enough to speak good English. If you want to practice what you learn (and enjoy our company in the process), join us at the Movie Hangout (a free speaking club for movie lovers). Link in bio. #nextmovie #ShakespeareInLove #movieclubEnglish #communitylearning #havingFunTogether #английскийвудовольствие #языковаясреда #киноанглийский #кіномани #кіноанглійська #кіноклуб
Instagram LogoTHE BOTTLENECK IN LANGUAGE LEARNING⁠ ⁠ Have you head the word "bottleneck"? ⁠ The literal meaning is what you see in the picture - the most narrow part of the bottle - the bottleneck (горлышко).⁠ ⁠ But in business and productivity, it's a situation that stops a process or activity from progressing or developing. ⁠ ⁠ If you want to optimize something, start with a bottleneck.⁠ ⁠ Now you're probably wondering:⁠ What do bottles have to do with English?⁠ ⁠ I really liked Michael Grinberg's post on FB (in Russian) about bottlenecks in language learning, so I decided to tell you about it here. ⁠ ⁠ Why do a lot of people with Intermediate level feel stuck and can't move forward with their English?⁠ ⁠ It's not about the Intermediate plateau, a natural slowdown of learning a language, because there's so much to learn at higher levels. ⁠ ⁠ No, he talks about the deep need to keep developing your language. You might have it - or you might not. ⁠ ⁠ He says, and I agree: ⁠ "If you speak English only twice (or even once) a week, and only with your teacher, it means you don't feel the internal need to develop the language further". ⁠ ⁠ ?The bottleneck in language learning is not the language itself - it's how you manage your environment - people you talk to in English.⁠ ⁠ So, if there is not enough progress in English and you want to optimize the process. do 2 things:⁠ 1) Figure out what people you'd like to talk to (in English) in the future.⁠ 2) Get in touch and keep in touch with them⁠ ⁠ Just consider: which words will you'll remember better:⁠ The ones you learn "for a topic" at a language school - or specific words which you know you'll use at a speaking club or at a business meeting tomorrow?⁠ ⁠ So, to optimize your English development at higher levels, ask yourself:⁠ 1. What kind of person do I want to become? ⁠ 2. What kind of people can help me become this person? ⁠ 3. How can I change my environment to meet more of these people? ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #curated #optimizelearning #bottleneck #learntolearn #powerofcommunity #createyourtribe #лучшенескажешь #социальнаястая #учимсявместе #языкдля #уметьучиться ⁠ ⁠
Instagram Logo(?? / ??) "Why is it standing here?", I thought, entering the kitchen and seeing a watering can beyond the threshold. I almost stumbled. I lifted it to move it away, but then I remembered. I put it there. To remind myself to water the flowers. I have a reminder on my phone, but I can ignore it. This one is hard to ignore, because it's in my way. That's what I recommend doing for your English. Don't just decide to learn English. Don't simply set a reminder. Make it unavoidable. It might look like: - a printed out worksheet or journal on your kitchen table (morning coffee + quick notes) - an online meeting with a teacher (a pre-paid lesson or accountability session) - a notebook with exercises you leave on the toilet lid (well, this one might be a bit extreme) But you get me, right? Make it almost impossible NOT to do it now. Then you won't have to worry about motivation. Or about making progress. Try it for a couple of days or a week, and get back to me to tell me if it worked ? For more insights, inspiration, and tips about learning English, sign up for my newsletter (link in bio) - «Чого це вона тут стоїть?», — подумала я, зайшовши на кухню і побачивши за порогом лійку. Я мало не спіткнулася. Підняла і раптом згадала: Це я її туди поставила.. Щоб не забути полити квіти. У мене є нагадування на телефоні, але я можу просто "протвикати". Лійку під ногами проігнорувати важко, бо вона заважає. Це те, що я рекомендую зробити для вашої англійської, якщо до неї не дохдять руки. Зробіть її неминучою. Це може виглядати так: - роздрукований аркуш або щоденник на вашому кухонному столі (ранкова кава + короткі нотатки) - онлайн-зустріч з учителем (урок або сесія підзвітності) - блокнот із вправами, які ви залишаєте на кришці унітазу (ну, це може трохи занадто ?) Ну, ви мене зрозуміли, так? Зробіть так, що взятися (руками) за неї зараз - неможливо. Тоді вам не доведеться турбуватися про мотивацію або про прогрес. Спробуйте кілька днів чи тиждень і напишіть, що з того вийшло ?
Instagram LogoWho doesn't want to be happy? But what makes us happy? I recently read a post in The New York Times that just confirmed what I thought: Joining a group that meets even just once a month produces the same happiness gain as doubling your income. Участие в группе, которая встречается всего лишь раз в месяц даёт такую же прибавку в ощущение счастья, как увеличение дохода вдвое. I personally wouldn't mind doubling my income, but I would definitely NOT swap it for a chance to meet and talk to my movie tribe. Why? I always look forward to our meetings because I respect and like the people in our movie club. I don't know how else I could have met such interesting personalities from different walks of life. And we don't meet to show off. We meet to understand the film, the world, each other better (and practice English in the process). Sometimes we ramble, get confused, make mistakes, mumble and stutter - including me. Speaking of stuttering ... This time we're discussing the film about King George VI who was a stutterer, Yes, he knew English. And yes, he was as afraid of speaking in front of other people as some of my students. Do you want to see how he overcame this challenge? Join us at the movie hangout and let's talk about this film based on a true story. Make yourself a bit happier by finding the people you're comfortable to be around, and discussing the films you're excited about. #happiness #learningcommunity #sociallearning #WatchYourEnglish #learnEnglish #TheKingsSpeech #movieClub #EnglishSpeaking #SpeakingClub #discussionClub #learningsmart
Instagram LogoWhy not come to our movie hangout?⁠ ⁠ "Because I'm afraid of talking in front of other people" is what I often hear.⁠ ⁠ You might be afraid of making mistakes in your English. But our movie hangouts are not about that.⁠ ⁠ Movie hangout is an opportunity to connect with people.⁠ ⁠ Sure, it's a speaking opportunity - to practice your English. ⁠ But forget about activating your vocabulary, using fancy words, or using correct grammar. ⁠ ⁠ We get together to share ideas, to be ourselves, to be understood, and to find a connection. ⁠ That's why these hangouts are so inspiring and fun. ⁠ ⁠ You don't have to be perfect. Movie hangouts are not a lesson where you are given a "5" or "3". ⁠ ⁠ We are not perfect:⁠ ⁠ Sometimes we ramble. ⁠ Sometimes we make mistakes.⁠ But we also make jokes. ⁠ We honestly say what we didn't like about the movie. We ask each other questions.⁠ We focus on finding understanding.⁠ ⁠ We get together to enjoy each other's company. ⁠ That's why when the meeting is over, everyone is in a better mood that they were before. ⁠ ⁠ Our hangouts are informal, friendly, and stimulating - emotionally and intellectually. ⁠ ⁠ So when you're thinking "Should I come or will it be too scary?" - just sign up and show up. You'll see it's not as scary as you thought. ⁠ ⁠ You can always learn more words or grammar. But can't always find a great opportunity to find the right company⁠ ⁠ Wanna give it a try?⁠ Use the link in bio to book your spot for the hangout this weekend. ⁠We're discussing movie "The Help" ⁠ ⁠ #moviehangout #WatchYourEnglish #freeSpeakingOpportunity ⁠#thehelpmovie⁠ ⁠ Photo by James Fitzgerald on Unsplash