Transfer large files with ease...

Feb 20, 2023 10:21 am

Hey ,

How are things on your side?

As a business person, im sure you have encountered the problem of having to send people large files that cannot be sent via email. Then you have to go through the complicated process of uploading files to your cloud storage. Wait...


Grab the link, remove link restrictions, and add the link into an email (remember to type the email first so that people know what you are talking about. Then....


You can send the email. So we decided to provide a solution.

What if it were easier... If sending large files to team members and colleagues would be super easy while keeping your files safe. SO encrypted not even we would have access to them 👍

At the moment we are in phase 1 of beta testing, so I would truly appreciate it if you would give our app a little test drive. Over the next few days ill be checking in. So please feel free to share your feedback on your experience. Just click here --> UPTransfer and use the app 100% free!!!

PS: There are a few more marketing/business apps coming and because you're on my list. You will be the first to know. So stay tuned!
