Reading, Writing, and an Anniversary!

Hello and welcome again to yet another edition of the language vlog newsletter!Well, if there's one thing I didn't expect in my life it was to live in China for ten years. Had you told Young Steve that he would one day move across the world and live...

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Sep 15, 2024
LIVE LIVE LIVE! And some gaming action too.

Hello and welcome once again to another weekly update on the language vlog! We hope you're doing well as the school season starts up again and work... well, that continues.LISTEN(We are in the midst of choosing a better podcast provider rather than j...

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Sep 08, 2024
A Mid-Year Review and Some Lessons Learned LIVE

Heya everybody and welcome to another update of the language vlog!LISTENSending this out a little bit later than previously as we ventured out to the China International Exhibition Center to attend the Cafe Show 2024. We originally heard of the exhib...

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Sep 01, 2024
Watch out! A car is coming!

Well folks, it's the weekend again, already. Not sure about you, but I've found that running a YouTube channel while working a full time job can keep the days a flying by. Have you ever thought of starting your own channel? If so, what would it be ab...

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Aug 24, 2024
Well, that was fun - Universal Studios Beijing

Hey everybody and welcome to another weekly email from the Language Vlog!The temperature has finally dropped so when the humidity hits 78% here in Beijing it doesn't feel as bad, but it's still hot.This past week we were able to publish and prep quit...

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Aug 17, 2024