Hello and Welcome to Steven's Language Vlog (Newsletter)!

Aug 03, 2024 4:29 am

Heya folks, this is just a short email welcoming you to the newsletter.

You're on this list either because you signed up through a previous website (such as Substack) or you've emailed me and I've taken the liberty of adding you to the list. If you don't want to receive these any more, you'll find the

UNSUBSCRIBE button at the bottom. I won't be offended if you choose not to continue. :)

It's been a busy time over here at the SLV HQ as we've been working on putting out YouTube Shorts each and every day. This week's topics include:

  1. Looking at manhole covers in Beijing
  2. Four Sayings I learned from using Du Chinese
  3. Bike riding though the morning traffic in Beijing

My goal with these types of videos is to either ask questions about learning a language or to give a little bit of insight into the process, be it an explanation of an idiom, a technique or methodology, or even just a look into life as an expat.

We also published a longer form video this week all about creating a spreadsheet to track your study hours. The video runs about 30 minutes and thoroughly explains how to create the spreadsheet from scratch. You can watch it HERE.

However, if you don't want to watch the video and just grab the spreadsheet, you can do that over on my Buy Me A Coffee site. It is free.

However however! If you don't want to bother modifying the sample sheet provided above, there is also a full 2024 calendar year spreadsheet available for purchase, for only $5. Support the channel and save you time!

If nothing else, you might pick up a few tips on how to use Google Sheets, too. ;)


We'll leave it there for today. Hope you're well and your language studies are going the way you want them to. Please get in touch if there's anything I can do to help.

