Not All or Nothing. Something or Nothing!

Jul 04, 2023 10:26 am

My video courses—Mini Habit Mastery and Weight Loss for Life with Mini Habits—are 50% off today. More on that later!

All or nothing thinking is a well known concept, but "something or nothing" is much, much better. Consider these two statements, which effectively say the same thing.

"Don't think in all or nothing terms." (warning)

"Think in something or nothing terms." (suggestion)

The latter is simpler and easier to implement. It also comes across as a positive opportunity or suggestion instead of the judgmental "you're doing it wrong" tone of the first one. Even the very best advice can activate our stubbornness if we sense we are being judged (people don't like feeling judged).

Something or Nothing

The difference between transforming my life and wallowing in my old behaviors was one push-up. That's a thin line between success and failure. And that's how it always is.

The person who seems so far ahead in an area tends to do small things differently or better than others, and those things compound ridiculously. But there's no need to compare yourself to others when you've experienced this yourself! Your greatest successes are almost certainly due to this same phenomenon.

Does "something or nothing" scream power to you? Not to me. And yet, it is the most powerful idea you can carry with you at all times because it enables you to do important stuff. Every moment you consider procrastinating, think of doing something rather than nothing. Just do a little bit.

Invest In Your Behavior

I've been investing in the stock market since my dad was my broker. He'd let my sister and I pick out stocks in the newspaper and we'd buy/sell them through him. With no stock analysis skills, we'd just pick the names we liked. My favorite stock was "CareScience," selling for around 13 cents a share. I don't think they exist anymore.

But while I may not have made money with CareScience, investing remains the best way to grow your wealth. Whenever I recommend investing to someone, I often hear that they don't have enough to invest. That doesn't make sense. It's like saying that you don't want more money because you don't have enough of it (?). If you invest $100 a month in an index fund, at 10% annual returns (less than the average return of the stock market), you'll end up with over $76,000 in 20 years.

That example shows two things. First, it shows that consistent investment (whether financial or behavioral) really adds up. 20 years of $100 monthly investment amounts to $24,000 invested. Second, it shows the compound effect, with that invested $24,000 more than tripling to $76,000!

Behavioral investment works the same way. I can confirm this through my own experience and through neuroscience. Every action is a deposit into your behavioral investment bank. Keep making the right choices, and you'll be stunned at how your results compound. It's seriously baffling.

Think about how easy it is—mentally and physically—for an already fit person to exercise. Think about how easy it is for Jeff Bezos to make millions of dollars—he can make it easily in a risk-free low-interest account because of his massive fortune. Compounding momentum is the most powerful shaper of lives we know.

The more you can embed this philosophy into your thinking, the better you'll do. Like anything, it takes time and practice to get good at it.

Give Yourself True Freedom

Today is July 4th, American Independence day, or the day we gained freedom as a country. Freedom is celebrated everywhere because there's nothing more important or inspiring that being free. Fewer people think about behavioral freedom, or the opportunity to live exactly the way you desire to live, or to be the strong, productive, impactful, and resilient person you want to be.

There's no easier way to start or restart your compounding journey than with my video courses. Just press play and learn the concepts that have already changed hundreds of thousands of lives (including mine!). As mentioned earlier, I've got a deal for you...

BOTH of My Video Courses Are 50% Off TODAY!

Mini Habit Mastery (4 hours, 38 Videos)


The video course teaches you the proven Mini Habits method of building habits. Mini Habit Mastery is a comprehensive and fun journey into how your brain works. We guide you through how to select your habits, how many to choose, how to track them, and more.

This is one of the most popular habit video courses in the world with over 20,000 satisfied students. Every purchase grants lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee if you don't like the course! That's a lot of time to decide if you think it's worth it or not. Videos can be downloaded for offline viewing.

I recommend making the course your first mini habit. Watch one or more video per day. Give it a try!

Retail price: $79

Today: Only $39 (Save $40)

Buy Now ($40 Coupon Applied)

Weight Loss for Life with Mini Habits (6 hours, 62 Videos)


This video course applies Mini Habits and behavior change to weight loss. It's much needed in this industry which is solely focused on which diet to try next. Which diet works best was never the issue.

Some dietary approaches are better than others, yes, but lasting weight change can only be supported by lasting behavior change, which is what this course teaches (with a focus on food and fitness habits of course). Still, we cover everything here in depth, from nutrition, to calories, to what research shows works best for weight loss. We then focus on psychology and behavior change as the lasting solution.

Every purchase grants lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee if you don't like the course! The videos can be downloaded for offline viewing.

After taking this course, you'll never diet again. The only real, lasting change is neurological. Any other change, such as dieting, is temporary and not worth doing.

Retail price: $99

Today: Only $49 (Save $50)

Buy Now ($50 Coupon Applied)

Still not sure?

Full Course Preview: Mini Habit Mastery

Full Course Preview: Weight Loss for Life with Mini Habits

(Don't forget to use Coupon code FREEDOM to save 50%)

Thanks as always for reading. I'm currently working on a new video I can't wait to share with you!

Here's to freedom on all levels,

Stephen Guise
