Only a Few Hours Left to Wait

May 14, 2021 9:05 pm


Greetings from the New World!

Only a few hours from launching the finale of the Shadow Watch series. This about sums up my current mood…


This has been a bit of a strange week. Everything was wrapped up for the launch last weekend. For months this book has filled a large chunk of my days, and now it’s done, and I’ve just been sitting and waiting for you all to be able to start reading it.

But it has been really fun to reflect on the experience of writing and releasing this series over the past few days.

I’ve encountered so many wonderful readers. I’ve met a bunch of amazing writers. And I have learned so much through the process.

Thanks so much for coming along on this journey!

Order Now!


Now, for some book deals...




All right, that is all for now. I hope you enjoy the ending!

All the Best,

S.A. Klopfenstein

