What are you reading during the Snow-pocalypse?
Feb 15, 2021 11:03 pm
Greetings from the world of the Shadow Watch!
I hope those of you experiencing the Snow-pocalypse of 2021 are all staying warm and safe! We've gotten some snow in Utah, with more to come this week, but we've been fortunate not to have the extreme cold out here.
My family has been largely holed up inside though, so I've been getting more reading done. I'm about halfway through Sword of Kaigen by ML Wang, and I am absolutely riveted by it.
I've seen a lot of rave reviews, and I think the hype has been absolutely deserved. I haven't enjoyed a world this much in a couple years, and things are really getting intense.
What have you been reading lately?
Writing Update
We are exactly three months away from the launch of Well of Shadows! I am powering through the next round of revisions.
After (mostly) finalizing plot and big picture stuff in the first round of revisions, the second round focuses more on line and paragraph level things. With the occasional major overhaul or brand new scene.
This is probably an average page at this point of the editing process. With a few pages that are relatively blank, and a few that get annihilated with notes!
Then, it is off to the editor in March. The final, final touches in April.
And the series officially ends on May 15! Pre-order your copy today, so you get it the moment it releases!
I did a fun Bookstagram event to celebrate the cover reveal, and this was one of my favorite images that came from it.
Also, if you are on Instagram, you should probably follow me!
Featured Reads
And don't miss these book deals
All right, I am heading back to my editing cave!
Be warm, be safe!
S.A. Klopfenstein