The Well of Shadows audiobook is in production
Aug 31, 2021 3:25 am
Hey all!
Between the return to school and a big move into a new house, August has flown by, and sadly, not much writing has been done.
But things are finally settling down again, and I am back to work on my new project, Pantheon.
In other news, the final Shadow Watch audiobook is officially beginning the production process!
And don’t miss the Shadow Watch sale!
The Shadow Watch is still only $0.99 in all Amazon markets!
And be sure to check out my latest story, Pantheon!
Episodes 1- 18 are out now!
Amazon is offering 200 free tokens to try the new format out, and see if you like it.
Now, for some August Book Deals…
All the Best,
S.A. Klopfenstein
The Shadow Watch series (a complete epic fantasy saga)
Pantheon (a LitRPG saga releasing on Kindle Vella)