Indie Fantasy Summer Reading
Jun 21, 2023 3:52 pm
I've got some fantastic things for you this week:
- A Pantheon #3 Update
- And if you're on TikTok, let's be friends!
- A Facebook Summer Reading Challenge
- A Deal for 3 mo. of Kindle Unlimited (US) for Free
- And some Incredible Special Editions and deals
June so far...
I've been doing a lot of writing this month, but I've also managed to spend a decent amount of time outdoors, because the weather has been blessedly mild so far in Salt Lake.
Recently, we took our kids up to Park City to see Olympic Park. While we were there, we documented a fun writing milestone for me.
Five years ago (and a few weeks), my wife and I stopped at a Starbucks in Park City where I HIT PUBLISH on my first book. Naturally, my wife insisted we stop and take a pic.
Pantheon #3 Writing Progress: 75% complete
I resolved this month to really get to work on Pantheon #3, and so far, it has been my best month of writing this year. We've passed the 75% mark, and have begun a long and crazy final battle. Lots of big twists and reveals in the finale of the trilogy. Can't wait for you to read them.
Are you on TikTok? Let's be friends!
I've been curious to check out the BookTok community for awhile, and this summer, I've been diving in. And I've got to say, it's actually a really kind and positive place. Just tons of people nerding out about their love of reading and books. If you're on TikTok, you can add me as a friend here. I'd love to connect!
An Indie Fantasy Reading Challenge
Speaking of social media and reading nerds, if you love indie fantasy, there is a really amazing Facebook group called Indie Fantasy Fanatics. Thousands of people who are just passionate about fantasy books. Starting today, we are kicking off the Summer Reading Challenge. Check it out!
And with fantastic timing, there is also a Kindle Unlimited deal going on for Prime members. Three free months. I snatched that right up this morning, and you should too. I'm pretty sure this one is only for US customers, though.
Some Gorgeous Special Editions
A couple of writer friends have some stunning special editions on Kickstarter right now.
First up is the deluxe illustrated edition of Dragon Mage by ML Spencer
And next is the latest installment in AC Cobble's Wahrheit series
A few more book deals for you
And don't miss this $0.99 (US & UK) boxset from Jeff Kohanek!
Alright, it's time to dive into an epic story!
Happy reading!
P.S. Grab the first book in my Shadow Watch series for $0.99 in all markets!
The Shadow Watch Saga (a complete epic fantasy series)
Pantheon Online (a LitRPG / GameLit fantasy trilogy)