Spring Fantasy Book Deals

Mar 30, 2021 8:18 pm


Greetings from the Third World!

I have been enjoying some much needed relaxation while The Well of Shadows is off with the editor. I've been able to read a little bit, which has been a lot of fun. And I am enjoying some time with family.

We are six weeks out from launch for the finale! Make sure you pre-order, so you can be sure to get your copy right away on May 15th...

Pre-order Well of Shadows!

For those of you in the US, The Shadow Watch was invited to participate in the Prime reading program, where a select few books are offered for free to Prime members. So if you're in Prime, go grab your free book!

Now for some book deals...





That's all for now! When you hear from me next, I will be hard at work wrapping up the final few edits on Well of Shadows so it is ready to launch in a few weeks!

All the best,

S.A. Klopfenstein

