💎 Spirit Carrier's crystal treasures & new GIVE-AWAY

May 19, 2024 10:08 pm

Dear Crystal Friend,

Thank you for letting me land in your inbox again!

Before I announce the next Give-Away further down...

Here are the quick links to the latest crystal treasures ~

♡ NEW in CRYSTAL AMULETS : Prophecy Stone, Jade, Chrome Diopside, Charoite...

♡ NEW in WISDOM KEEPERS : Altar elements & shamanic pouches...

♡ NEW in COLLECTABLE CRYSTALS : Black Moonstone, Rhodochrosite, Chrysantemum Stone, Hematoid Quartz...


Whilst the free shipping period for subscribers -from now until Tuesday evening the 21st May UK time- only applies to the Crystal Amulets section, please know that if you purchase something from the other sections together with a crystal amulet during this period, I will REFUND the standard shipping fee to you as it would have been free with the crystal amulet.

How does this benefit you?

Sending two items in one box is still cheaper than sending them separately. As many of you know, I always refund any excess shipping cost any of my customers may have incurred.

Example: you order 1 crystal amulet & 1 collectable crystal. The collectables tend to be heavy so to the USA, it can work out at $25+ in shipping. But in this case I deduct from that the $15 that I cover on crystal amulets myself during this free period - that way you end up paying only the difference, in this example $10.

(I cannot configure this to be automated in my web store but rest assured, I always keep an eye and refund afterwards if you've paid too much for shipping at the time of placing your order.)


Special crystal energy support for the coming week ~


Empowering stone that helps you recognise your own strengths, healing emotional wounds, inner conflicts and traumas to allow your soul shine through. Excellent for those who want to increase their mental clarity and improve ability to learn and retain information. Inspires creative vision and insightful dreams. Enhances self-reliance and confidence, and helps you to trust your instinct in all your endeavours.


Brown and black stones are usually grounding - but not Prophecy Stone! It works directly with the Crown chakra and the Third Eye chakra. Called "the healing stone of the future and eternity". Powerful meditation stone, it is quite unlike any other crystal you'll ever come across. In stone lore, it is said that Prophecy stones choose their keeper way before the physical connection is made, and that the stone does not 'open' to give its wisdom but to their chosen keeper. 

HEMATOID QUARTZ (Hematite included Quartz)

Supports self-esteem, self-confidence, courage and will power. Grounding and balancing energy, easing fears and worries. Highly protective, helps in maintaining your auric shield. Grounds higher spiritual energy into the body, enabling you better manifest your dreams into reality.

And then, the next Give-Away!

As it's my birthday in a week's time, what better way to celebrate than to offer you some more gifts!

Prizes this time:

1) Quartz pendulum in leather drawstring pouch

2) Hematoid Quartz cluster with two larger fused points and a smaller third one - like a little family! Very rough, ancient, hiding its wisdom so whomever this one chooses as its new keeper, hopefully feels beyond the rugged surface...

3) rectangular Shungite slice for combatting electromagnetic fields

4) circular Shungite slice for combatting electromagnetic fields



If you replied last time indicating your wish to be included in the earlier Give-Away, you don't need to do anything now! I will enter your name automatically in this one too!

But... IF you were not part of the last Give-Away and would like your name to be included in my magic bowl this time, simply reply to this email stating your first name (and preferably the first letter of your surname, so that when I announce the winners, you'll recognise yourself.) When you reply to me once, you'll then be automatically included in all future Give-Aways too, for the duration of being a subscriber.

I'll announce the Winners in the next newsletter :)

And as always, feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions or comments, or just want to say hi.

Thank you for journeying with crystals â™¡

You are a valued member of Spirit Carrier's crystal tribe.

Wishing you wonders,


